Day 18
Row 500M @ 1:45-1:47 pace
15 Box Jumps 24"
15 Burpees
Rest 90 seconds
x6 Rest
2 minutes btwn sets 3 and 4
Ok- so my row slowed down but hardly. on the 4th and 5th round, the last 200m was 1:49 but never 1:50. The last round, I kept the row at pace. Box jumps slowed down a little as I went, rest at top got longer, burpees slowed down in middle but last round was really fast.
Mainly lactic acid/tired in quads/hips.
+ A1. 30 Second side plank left and right hand rest 1 minute x4 A2. Single Arm Farmers carry 100ft each arm rest 1 minute x4 A3. 1 min Front leaning Rest on rings rest 1 minute x4 A4. 1 Min Hallow body hold rest 1 minute x4
Didn't do this A1 part. Too many people in back to get anything done. Will do it another time at home or something.
I did 2 days of class workouts in between 18/19.
Wednesday class:
5 x 3 Tng squat snatch.
2@ 175
3 @ 180 felt pretty good
5x5 ohs
205 for all
5mn amrap
5 hang power snatch 135
5 ohs 135
10 bar facing burpees
65 reps all unbroken and no break between snatch/ohs. Paced burpees
Thursday class:
Needed a rest day but wanted to do something so did class.
Core work
For time:
100 burpees
100 kbs 53
Sets: 25,25,20,10,10,10
Day 19 A. Banded Sampson Stretch 1 minute each leg at the end of the 1 minute 10 hang over head pulses to end range of motion x2 B. Toe Elevated Hamstring Pulses 30 reps each side x3 C. Seated Stradble sit 30 seconds x3 if you need to place an abmat or foam roller between your feet and butt to take pressure off of your knees D1. 10 Therapy Band Abduction each leg band around ankles x3 D2. 10 Slow Control air squats with Therapy band around ankles x3 D3. 10 Slow Controlled Air Squats with Therapy band around knees x3
Yup- did all this
E. 2 Squat cleans EMOM build every 2 minutes by 10 lbs start at 185
255 felt pretty good. Did 1 at 265 but missed second.
F. Front Squat to a 3 rep max
275 easy. So easy I went to 295 and did 1.4 reps the 1 was easy, the .4 proved impossible.
didn't have much time and place was packed. Did 20mn emom with Andrea
Minute 1: 20 seconds of strict hspu
Minute 2: 30 second row sprint
Minute 3: 7 burpee box jump 30"
Minute 4: 30 second ab sprint
Day 20 A. Ido Portal Basic shoulder ROM and Stability Routine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YHIV4a81Os B. Ido Portal Scapular mobolization routine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4Wo095zPnc C1 Thoracic Spine Stretch with PVC Foam roller and Barbell 30 Seconds rest as needed x3 C2. Banded Lat Stretch 45 seconds each arm rest as needed x3 D1. Banded Pec stretch 45 seconds each arm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhjH7brjzwY D2. Assisted pec stretch with Barbell 30 seconds total https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdWyf9whDKU
Yup- did all this
E. EMOM 2 Squat Snatches until Failure add 10lbs 2 every minute Start at 115lbs
195. Missed first at 205. Shoulder hurts today. 195 was fairly easy. Surprised I missed 205.
F. Split Jerk 8 singles 80-85% 1rm rest 2 minutes btwn singles
235 for all felt pretty easy
+ 5 Min AMRAP 10 Cal Assault Bike 20 Wall Ball Tosses rest 1 minute x3 + G1. Dumbell Reversie Flies 10-12 reps rest 1 minute x3 G2. Powell Raises 10-12 Reps rest 1 minute btwn arms and exercises x3
I didn't have time for all this today. Needed to be quick. I did this instead:
15 thrusters 95
60 dbl unders
4:01 all unbroken.
Took it from Andreas programming. I think I beat her but not sure.