Saturday, October 31, 2015


Day 10 
A. Deadlift Drop to 80% of Day 5 10x3 Rest 2 min btwn sets


B. Seated Good Mornings 10-12 Reps Rest 2 min x3 

135 x12
135 x10
135 x12

These always feel strange. Think I'm limited by my flexibility. 

+ 3
 Rounds For Time 
10 Deadlifts 225lbs 
10 thrusters 115lbs 
10 Bar Facing Burpees

Embarrassing, I got really tired. Had to break things up. My mental talk was not positive, just calling myself a pussy the whole time and getting angry. Haven't had to break up thrusters like that in a long time. Didn't eat much today and sleep has been minimal but whatever- I expected better. It's ok-

Did first set unbroken but traditions were too long, second set I had to break the thrusters 5,5. Third set I broke both thrusters and dl 5,5. I just get real tired and out of breath. Think it may be the cancer....

Thursday, October 29, 2015


Last two days. I did them in reverse order by mistake. 

Day 8 
A. Power Snatch off Blocks Top of the Knee 8 singles rest as needed btwn each 

185,185,185,195,195,195(squat), 185miss, 185squat. My body is kinda tired today. 

B. 6-8 Snatch Grip romanian dead lifts to top of the knee + 5 secon pause at top of the knee Rest 2 min x4 

155 x6 ouch. 
155 x7
155 x6
155 x7

+ For time 50-35-15 AD Cals Burpees. 

11:13 on AD . Burpees were ok. Ad sucks. I'm an old man

Day 9 
A. 500M Ski erg

B. Barbell on trap 2 min each trap 

C. Lax Ball in Pec Try and get into Pec minor 2 min each Pec 

D1 Table Top Stretch 20 seconds Fingers Facing away from feet x2
D2. Table to Stretch Fingers Facing feet

E. Facedown Arms from hips to overhead. Set up plates and pass over the plates. I can show you this one. 10 reps x3 


F. Back Squat 8 Heavy Singles Rest as needed btwn singles 

355 for 6, 365 for last 2

G. Drop to 70 Percent of heaviest single and preform 6x3 preform the 3 reps AFAP rest 2 min btwn sets

255 this was ok

Monday, October 26, 2015


Day 7 
A. Squat Clean 8 heavy singles rest as needed btwn attempts 


Tries 295 but failed. Wanted to try again but it hurt and I need to hurry up. Would be fun to hit 300 this year. I think some of my lifts are better because my body isn't so beat up since I'm not working out much. 

B. Front Squat 3x3 @ 93% of Day 2 
These were good, not to hard 

3 Rounds for Time 
Row 250M 
15 HPC 
 15 Toes to Bar

This was really hard for me but felt good to workout hard. Very out of breath, so that slowed me down a lot and then grip on the hpc and last round of t2b. 

I think I should do some cal rows. I'm not pulling very hard. 

Row: 1st 1:44, 2nd 1:50, 3rd 1:53
Hpc: 1st 8,7 probably could go unbroken but wanted to save grip, 2nd 8,7 but hardly made last reps with grip, 3rd 5,5,5
T2b: 1st 8,7. 2nd 8,7. 3rd 7,5,3. Was easy until last round. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


Day 6 
A. 500M Ski erg 

B. Barbell on trap 2 min each trap 

C. Lax Ball in Pec Try and get into Pec minor 2 min each Pec 

D1 Table Top Stretch 20 seconds Fingers Facing away from feet x2 
D2. Table to Stretch Fingers Facing feet 

E. Facedown Arms from hips to overhead. Set up plates and pass over the plates. I can show you this one. 10 reps x3 

F. Split Jerk 8 heavy singles rest as needed btwn attempts 

All at 255, just didn't feel very strong. Body not handling weight well. 

G. Push Press 5x3 rest 2 min btwn sets 

Doable. Probably should have gone heavies but just wasn't feeling it today


Day 5 
A. Deadlift to a tough single 


B. Drop to 70% 10x3 Rest 2 min btwn sets 

These ok

For time 30 Deadlifts @ 225lbs 
30 Box Jumps 24" 
30 Power Snatches 75lbs 
30 Burpees


DL- was ok, 12,8,5,5
Box jumps were kinda slow and I missed a couple. Always hard after dl
PS- 10,10,5,5 these were hard. My pull was kinda gone at this point even though it was light
Did burpees

Monday, October 19, 2015


2 days from last week. 

Day 3 
A. Power Snatch off Blocks Top of the Knee 6 singles rest as needed btwn each 

185,195,195,195,195,195 but missed last one. Lost the power and started to squat after 2/3rd at 195. But 195 is my power pr so it's ok. 

B. 6-8 Snatch Grip romanian dead lifts to top of the knee + 5 secon pause at top of the knee Rest 2 min x3

135 x8
155 x7
155 x7

Hard on hamstrings 

+ For time 
50 Chest to Bar Pull ups 
400M Farmers Walk 70lb KB's 
20 Muscle ups


C2b were good, better then expected
Farmer carry took me about 8mn but felt like an hour
Mups were impossible because I couldn't hold on to string then together. Took me 4 my for first 10 and then 2mn for second 10 as my grip recovered. 

Day 4 
A. 500M Ski erg 


B. Barbell on trap 2 min each trap 


C. Lax Ball in Pec Try and get into Pec minor 2 min each Pec 


D1 Table Top Stretch 20 seconds Fingers Facing away from feet x2 

D2. Table to Stretch Fingers Facing feet 


E. Facedown Arms from hips to overhead. Set up plates and pass over the plates. I can show you this one. 10 reps x3 


F. Back Squat 6 Heavy Singles Rest as needed btwn singles 

345 for all. 

G. Drop to 70 Percent of heaviest single and preform 5x3 preform the 3 reps AFAP rest 2 min btwn sets


Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Day 2 
A. Squat Clean 6 heavy singles rest as needed btwn attempts 

265 for all. Started to loose form a little on last two reps and was catching a little forward 

B. Front Squat up to a heavy triple 

285-not sure what I have done in the past? This wasn't terribly hard, maybe could do a little more but I was really struggling to stay upright on last rep. 

drop to 90% and Preform 3x3

255- yup

+ For Time 
Row 500m 
30 Hang Power Cleans 
30 Toes to Bar


Rowed at 1:44
HPC's were tough for me. I'm not good at these. 8,6,6,6,4. Grip is a factor but not the total problem
T2B- 10,5,5,3,3,1,1,1,1

Did at 7am

Monday, October 12, 2015


Day 1 

A. 500M Ski erg 
B. Barbell on trap 2 min each trap 
C. Lax Ball in Pec Try and get into Pec minor 2 min each Pec 

D1 Table Top Stretch 20 seconds Fingers Facing away from feet x2 
D2. Table to Stretch Fingers Facing feet 
Yup- not as bad as I thought it would be

E. Facedown Arms from hips to overhead. Set up plates and pass over the plates. I can show you this one. 10 reps x3 

F. Split Jerk 6 heavy singles rest as needed btwn attempts 

265 pretty solid on all

G. Push Press 5x5 rest 2 min btwn sets 
205x5 hard
205x5 hard
205x5 almost missed last rep
205x5 ouch


Did this shit last week:

A. 15 min Shoulder Mobility and Warm up 

I did some stuff 

B. Push Press 5x5 


Started putting bar too far forward after I jacked myself in chin on 4th set,

C. Seated Dumbell Press 8-10 reps rest 2 min x3 


This is good for me. Need to stabilize these fuckers. 

Day 15 A. Hang Squat Clean to a heavy triple

225 my grip will not do more. Not good today, maybe tight forearms. Not sure. My body can handle more but not grip. 


Monday, October 5, 2015


Day 13 
A. 4-6 1 and 1/4th front Squats rest 2 min x5 

6 @185
6 @205
5 @205
5 @205 feel the weight transfer to my toes. Need to stay chest up and weight on heels
5 @205

B. Banded Leg Extensions 18-20 reps rest 2 min x3 (try and use more resistance this week) 

Purple bands sets of 15. This was right. I know you wanted me to do more but hard to find the right resistance with the bands and distance from rack. Too close and they are loose when legs are down. 

+ 21-15-9 Deadlifts 315 Box Jumps 30"

This was difficult. I'm not sure what my last time was but I'm sure this was worse. My pulling volume is not awesome right now, it never has been but worse now. Low back/hamstrings were getting fried. 

DL: 7,6,4,4; 5,4,3,2; 4,3,2 with pretty long rest. 

I was happy to get through it though, I was afraid I wouldn't be able to complete. 

Sunday, October 4, 2015


Day 12 
A. Squat Snatch to a Heavy single 
185, then missed 205 3 times, then missed 185. Not a good day for snatch

B. Back Sqaut to a heavy single 
375 pr. Missed 385

C. Drop to 90% and take 3 singles 
335 very hard

+ 1 min AMRAP Assualt Bike 20 Cals AMRAP Burpees Rest 3 minutes x3

19cals- leg cramped on last round. I'm like a pirate with a peg leg.


Day 11 
A. Squat Clean to a Heavy single 

275 I was off today. Some were good, some weren't. 275 was solid but 265 was crap, got under 285 3 times. Should have had the last but I sat in the bottom of the squat too long and couldn't stand it up

B. Work up to a 3 rep Max Double Barrel Front 

225? Not sure if that was real max, to much going on so I just throw it on and did it. Was hard but could probably do more

Friday, October 2, 2015


Day 10 
A. 15 min Shoulder mobility 
B. Work to a Max in the complex 3 Push Press + 2 Split Jerks 

225 felt easy. Missed second press at 235

C. Drop down to 80% and Preform 5 more complexes rest 2 min btwn each 

185. Fine but shit hurts my right bicep and posterior elbow

+ 3 rounds for time 
10 Push Press 155lbs
75 Double Unders


First set PP fast and unbroken, messed up once on dblus. Second and third set pp, first 5 fast, last 5 slow but didn't put the bar down. Stopped once on second set of dblus because I was tired and unbroken on last. Transitions were a little slow when going back to the bar. 

Slowed down on PP because of shoulder fatigue. Bruised the shit out of my collar bone per usual.