Day 1 A. Back Squat 4-5 Reps rest 2 min Btwn sets x5 B. Front Rack Barbell Step Ups 20 reps alt legs rest 2 minutes x4 + AB 5 Seconds 5 Power cleans 225lbs Rest 3 minutes x5
:57 ugly, 2 tng
1mn I clearly should have warmed up more. 2 squat cleans
1:07 best form. All power
Takes about 10sec to get from ab to bare
Day 2
A. Push Jerk 2-3 Reps rest 2 min x5
225 x3
235 x3
235 x3
245 x3
245 x2
B. Strict Press Build to a Max
170 I probably held this an inch above my head for 5 seconds before finally finishing the lift.
C Drop to 90% of B Preform 1 rep EMOM till Failure rest 3 min x2
Ha- I thought it was max set at 90. Only got 4. I'll do emom now
Fuck emom is hard now but I stopped at 18. I can't spend more time on these today
+ AB 30 min for Max Cals Record RPM"s every 5 minutes Max HR and AVG HR
357 not much different then when I do 60sec at 65pace, 30sec slow
I probably took 4 30sec slow periods during this
0-5 65pace
6-10 61pace
11-20 60pace
21-27 58-60pace
27-28 61pace
29-30 65+pace
Day 3 A. Deadlift 3-2-1-3-2-1 try to build through each wave rest 2 min btwn deadlifts
395 x3
415 x2
425 X1 ouch
405 x3 hard
415 x2 nope did 1
415 X1
B1. Single Leg Romanian deadlifts 8-10 reps rest 1 min btwn legs x3
95 x10
B2. Single Leg Glute zBridges rest 1 min btwn legs x3
45 x10
B3. 5 10 second Negative Glute Ham raises rest 3 minutes x3
C. 3 x10 clean grip Axel bar Deadlifts rest 2 min btwn sets
Day 4 A. Split Jerk 10 Singles Build as you go rest as needed btwn singles
B. For time 10 Push Press @ 205lbs rest 3 minutes x3
+ For Time 50ft HS Walk 15 Muscle ups 50 ft HS Walk 20 chest to bar Pull ups 50 ft HS Walk 30 Strict HSPU 50ft HS Walk
Rested for over a MN at 9th muscle up. I missed and tweaked my shoulder. Was going to stop but decided to continue with singles. HS walk went ok, surprisingly.
3,3,3,1,1,1,1,1,1 On mups
7,7,6 on c2b, these were easy and good
7,5's on hspu with
Day 5
A. Front Squat 4-5 Reps rest 2 min x5
245 x5
255 x5
255 x5
255 x5
B. Clean Pull 3-2-1-3-2-1 rest 2 min btwn sets
245,265, 285
245, 265, 285
Trying to focus on getting knees back and then standings straight up to make contact at thigh and not hip. Not hard weight but I think right for form.
+ 3 Rounds for Time 12 Power Snatches 95lbs 12 Box Jump Over 24" 12 Cal Assualt Bike
Ps- 12; 7,5; 7,5