Saturday, April 30, 2016

Day 5/ Saturday

Day 5 

 A. EMOM 10 min 3 Banded Deadlifts @ 70% 1rm Grn Band 

Yes, this was ok. 

B1. Tempo Good Mornings 8-10 reps 3 seconds down 3 second pause 3 seconds up 1 second pause rest 2 minutes x3 

95x 10 bond at bottom is hard
95x I dunno how many I did. Trying to count tempo and everyone talking. I went until it got pretty hard. 
95x 10

B2. Glute Ham Bridges 10-12 reps rest 2 minutes x3 

185 x 12 for all. Should have done more weight. 

 5 min 
AMRAP Row 50 Cals 
 50 Power Cleans @ 95lbs 
Rest 1 minute 
5 min AMRAP 
AB 50 Cals 
100 Wall Ball Tosses 
Rest 5 minutes x2

First set:
37 cleans sets of 5
21 wall balls unbroken. Only 45 secs to do wb. 

Second set:
31 cleans
13 wb. Had to run and get ball because someone put away. 

Exhausting. Slow row and AB

Friday, April 29, 2016

Rondom Workout/Friday

Been over a week since I've worked out besides paddling on river and hiking out. Didn't feel like going to gym. Did this in garage. Took the metcon from Crossfit main page. 

10 Emom 
2 squat clean tng #225

Kinda hard 

15 amrap
55 dbl unders
15 c2b
5 hang power clean #155

5 rounds + 70 (everything but hpc)

This made me really tired. I even screwed up dubs which I rarely have issue with. Did the c2b in sets of 5 for first 4. Then kinda broke down. Did hpc unbroken. 

Was surprised how hard the c2b were. Really struggled with them. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Day 4/Tuesday

Day 4 
 A. Strict PRess 10-8-6-4-2 rest 2 minutes btwn sets 


This weight was right. Really hard but I got it done. Don't think I would have been able to do more. 

B. 3 Rope Climbs AFAP rest 2 min x5

28sec slow on way down
31sec screwed up my feet on 2nd
27sec no mess up

I'm slow to jump back up. 

+ 7sec AB seconds @ 100% Rest 2 minutes x5

Hardly elevated my heart rate because of the time it takes to get it moving so after the first round I started from a slow pedal instead of a dead stop. 

This was supposed to be sled push but.....

Monday, April 18, 2016

Day 3/Monday

Day 3
 A. EMOM 1 Squat Clean Build until you reach a max from 185 10 lbs every 2 minutes 

Missed second lift at 265, felt pretty good. Left hip and left low back tight which is weird because it was the right side that i hurt last week. Probably over compensating or something.

B. Zombie Squat @ 50% 1rm 5x5 rest 90 seconds btwn sets 

165- fairly easy

10 min AB @85-90%

10 min Row @85-90% 
3 Rounds for Time 
10 Squat Cleans 135lbs 
10 Burpee Box Jumps 24" 
50 Double Unders

134cals on AB- paced at about 62. i would think that it should be faster but this was pretty taxing. 

2545meters on rower. this was too slow but its what I had today, just under 2mn pace/500m

12:40 on Metcon

Squat clean- first round: 4,3,3; second round: 3,3,2,2; third round singles. felt in left hip and low back was rough.

Burpee box jumps really slow for me. noticed i was totally jumping off right side.

Dubs unbroken on all.

This destroyed me. I havent been this worked in a while. my rest in between squat cleans was really slow. I was out of breath and tired. If i were the kind of guy to quit on a workout, this may have been the one.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Day 2/Saturday

Day 2 A. Split Jerk 4 Singles @ 80% 4 Singles @ 85% rest 2 minutes btwn singles 

Did all push jerks. My right leg is not good in lung position. Hip flexor. 

225 x4
235 x4

Felt really good. 

A1. Waiter Walk 100ft each arm heaviest possible KB rest 1 minute x3 

Did 32kg for last

A2. Single Arm Plank 30 seconds each arm rest 1 minute x3 


A3. Powell Raises 10-12 each arm rest 1 minute x3 

5lbs x12

+ Row 3 minutes for Max Cals Rest 1 minute x4


My hamstrings, ouch. Out of breath too

Friday, April 15, 2016

Friday/Day 1


Day 1 A. Back Squat Clusters 1.1 rest 20 seconds rest 2 minutes btwn clusters 

345 pretty fucking hard. Struggle to keep chest up 

+ AB 10 Seconds @ 100% Rest 2 minutes x4

About 10cal on all

Sat cycle

I'll try to do a better job of posting this stuff and adding the class workouts in. I did a number of other workouts besides this stuff that isn't in here. 

Day 1
A.5 min Assault bike @ 58-62 RPMs, B1.10 later leg lifts with therapy band around ankles x3 B2. 10 Air Squats with band Around Ankles x3 B3. 10 Air Squats with Band around Knees C. Pancake split against wall 2 minutes make sure low back is flat on the ground. D1. 10 Lunges to the front x3 D2. 10 Lateral lunges 5 each leg x3 

+ A. Back Squat to a Heavy signle 

365 felt hard. Didn't try more. Manny with more time. 

rest exactly 10 minutes preform an AMRAP @ 80% of heavy single to the tempo 3 seconds down fast up 1 second pause at the top

This sucked. Only 4

+ 3 min AMRAP 3 Squat Santches 185lbs 3 Muscle ups rest 1 minute 3 Min AMRAP 3 Squat Snatches 165lbs 3 Msucle ups Rest 1 minute 3 Min AMRAP 3 Squat Snatches 135lbs 3Muscle ups

2 +2
3 + 2
4 + 2

Did the 135 unbroken. All other snatches as singles. No issues. Did all mups unbroken. 

This was fun

Day 2
A. 5 min Assualt biek or Row at slightly above conversational Pace B1. 30 Second Thoracic Stretch with PVC foam roller and Barbell x3 B2. 45 second Lat Stretch each arm x3 B3. Twisted Cross Stretch from rom wod 1 minute each arm x3 C. 30 toe Elevated hamstring pulses each leg x3 


+ A. Split Jerk 8 singles @ 80% Rest 2-3 Minutes btwn lifts 

All at 230, feel a little unstable catching it but goes up easy. 

B. Push Press Clusters 3.3.3 rest 2 minutes x 5 rest 20 seconds btwn sets 

185 for all. Don't feel real solid

C. Deadlifts to a tough single not a true Max 


Day 3
A.5 min Assault bike @ 58-62 RPMs, B1.10 later leg lifts with therapy band around ankles x3 B2. 10 Air Squats with band Around Ankles x3 B3. 10 Air Squats with Band around Knees C. Pancake split against wall 2 minutes make sure low back is flat on the ground. D1. 10 Lunges to the front x3 D2. 10 Lateral lunges 5 each leg x3 E. Ido Portal Shoulder routine + 

Yes, did all this

A. EMOM 12 minutes 1 Squat Clean @ 225lbs to 275lbs 

235-265. 255 for most of them. Tried 275 on the 13th mn but I failed

5 sets AB 5s AFAP 
15 Wall Ball Tosses 
12 Front Squats (from Rack) 225lbs 
Rest 5 minutes btwn sets

2:56; 47 sec for ad+wb

Leg cramped in 3rd round. Squats were really hard but I was managing them. I may redo this. Don't like it but good for me. 

Second attempt I Monday. 
2:45 sets of 4
2:43 sets of 4
2:56 sets of 4 longer breaks I guess 
3:10 sets of 4 
3:14 sets of 4 

Wednesday- Friday: snowboarding on Breckenridge 

7k row. About 28mn, pace around 2mn

Day 4
A. 5 min Assualt biek or Row at slightly above conversational Pace B1. 30 Second Thoracic Stretch with PVC foam roller and Barbell x3 B2. 45 second Lat Stretch each arm x3 B3. Twisted Cross Stretch from rom wod 1 minute each arm x3 C. 30 toe Elevated hamstring pulses each leg x3 + A1. Bench Press 4-6 reps rest 2 minutes x5 

185 x6
185 x6
185 x6
185 x6
185 x6

Probably should have done more considering I did 6 on all but the last one was really hard each time. Right shoulder hurts and is obviously weaker then left. 

A2. Push Press 4-6 Reps rest 2 minutes x5 

I didn't not push press for 2 reasons. A) time constraints b) shoulder hurts. Feel it on bench too 

+ 5 Sets 
Ski erg 500M 
15 Burpee Box Jumps 24" 
15 Toes to bar 
Rest 2 min sets

3:50 T2b hurt shoulder too much. 
4:10 not my day
4:47 my shoulder hurts when I Kip t2b
5:00 everything slow burpees slow, t2b really slow. Not singles but no Kip 

Shit was hard today. Burpees slow- legs super sore from yesterday. 

Couldn't Kip t2b, shoulder hurt too much. 

Day 5
A.5 min Assault bike @ 58-62 RPMs, B1.10 later leg lifts with therapy band around ankles x3 B2. 10 Air Squats with band Around Ankles x3 B3. 10 Air Squats with Band around Knees C. Pancake split against wall 2 minutes make sure low back is flat on the ground. D1. 10 Lunges to the front x3 D2. 10 Lateral lunges 5 each leg x3 E. Ido Portal Shoulder routine 


 A. 1 Snatch Pull to top of knee + 3 second Pause + 1 snatch x10 complexes @60-70% 1rm rest as needed btwn complexes 

135 for all

B. Front squat to a heavy single in 15 minutes 

315 fairly easy. Missed 325

C1 Front Rack walking lunges 20 steps x2 rest 10 seconds 

165. Think this is right. Maybe too light. Will try more next time. 

C2. 200M Farmers Carry for Time 70lbs KBS each hand rest 3 minutes x2 

Did inside. Snowing. Walk back and forth across back room 12 times.  rest at 6,8,10. 

Then did partner workout with jo. Was some 30mn thing. 

Day 6 A.5 min Assault bike @ 58-62 RPMs, B1.10 later leg lifts with therapy band around ankles x3 B2. 10 Air Squats with band Around Ankles x3 B3. 10 Air Squats with Band around Knees C. Pancake split against wall 2 minutes make sure low back is flat on the ground. D1. 10 Lunges to the front x3 D2. 10 Lateral lunges 5 each leg x3 

+ A. Back Squat Clusters 1.1.1 rest 2 minutes x5 rest 20 seconds btwn reps 


+ 5 min AMRAP 3 Squat Santches 185lbs 3 Muscle ups rest 1 minute 5 Min AMRAP 3 Squat Snatches 165lbs 6 Chest to Bar Pull ups Rest 1 minute 5 Min AMRAP 3 Squat Snatches 135lbs 9 Pull ups

Day 7 A. 5 min Assualt biek or Row at slightly above conversational Pace B1. 30 Second Thoracic Stretch with PVC foam roller and Barbell x3 B2. 45 second Lat Stretch each arm x3 B3. Twisted Cross Stretch from rom wod 1 minute each arm x3 C. 30 toe Elevated hamstring pulses each leg x3


+ A. Split Jerk 6 singles @ 80% 2 singles @ 85% Rest 2-3 Minutes btwn lifts 

225 for first 6
235 for 2

B. Push Press Clusters rest 2 minutes x 5 rest 20 seconds btwn sets 

195 getting tough

C. Deadlifts to a tough single not a true Max 

Day 8 A.5 min Assault bike @ 58-62 RPMs, B1.10 later leg lifts with therapy band around ankles x3 B2. 10 Air Squats with band Around Ankles x3 B3. 10 Air Squats with Band around Knees C. Pancake split against wall 2 minutes make sure low back is flat on the ground. D1. 10 Lunges to the front x3 D2. 10 Lateral lunges 5 each leg x3 E. Ido Portal Shoulder routine 

Yup- did all this

+ A. EMOM 12 minutes 1 Squat Clean @ 235-275lbs 

Started at 245
Mainly at 255
265 for 2 of them 
275 for last 

+ 5 sets AB 5s AFAP 10 Thrusters 95lbs 5 Fronts Squats 255lbs Rest 5 minutes btwn sets

No AB available. Did 5 burpees to elevate heart rate instead. 

1:46 FS- 3,2,1
1:58 FS- 2,2,1
1:48 FS- 2,2,1 shorter rest
1:58 FS- 2,2,1 getting really hard 

Day 9 A. 5 min Assualt biek or Row at slightly above conversational Pace B1. 30 Second Thoracic Stretch with PVC foam roller and Barbell x3 B2. 45 second Lat Stretch each arm x3 B3. Twisted Cross Stretch from rom wod 1 minute each arm x3 C. 30 toe Elevated hamstring pulses each leg x3 


+ A1. Bench Press 3-4 reps rest 2 minutes x5 A2. Push Press 3-4 Reps rest 2 minutes x5 

205 x4 pretty easy
215 x3 not as easy
215 x4 
215 x4
25 x4

+ 5 Sets Ski erg 500M 10 Burpee Box Jump Overs 30" 75 Double Unders Rest 2 min sets


Didn't do last round. Have to go 

Day 10 A.5 min Assault bike @ 58-62 RPMs, B1.10 later leg lifts with therapy band around ankles x3 B2. 10 Air Squats with band Around Ankles x3 B3. 10 Air Squats with Band around Knees C. Pancake split against wall 2 minutes make sure low back is flat on the ground. D1. 10 Lunges to the front x3 D2. 10 Lateral lunges 5 each leg x3 E. Ido Portal Shoulder routine +

 A. 1 Snatch Pull to top of knee + 3 second Pause + 1 snatch clusters 1.1 rest 2 minutes x5 rest 20 seconds btwn complexes 


B. Front squat to a heavy single in 15 minutes 

275 ouch. Back really tight from class workout yesterday. Not much sleep last night. 

C1 Front Rack walking lunges 20 steps x3 rest 10 seconds 

165 fucked up hip flexor on last one

C2. 200M Farmers Carry for Time 70lbs KBS each hand rest 3 minutes x3

Harder then last week because of class workout with deadlifts