Day 8
A. Back Squat 6x5 @ 295lbs Rest 2 minutes btwn sets
A. Back Squat 6x5 @ 295lbs Rest 2 minutes btwn sets
Yup- no issue. Knees hurt a little
B1. Push Jerk 6-8 reps Rest 10 seconds x6
165 x8
165 x8
165 x8
175 x8
175 x8
175 x8
Not that hard. Maybe I should go heavier but I get fatigued by end.
B2. 8 Defecit HSPU for Time 9" Defecit Rest 3 minutes x6
4,1,3 just screwed up the 1 and came off wall
4,3,1 getting tired
4,1,2,1 hard
4,2,1,1 yup. Not sure every one was legit but if not, very close
Didn't do the the metcon. It would have been quick but I wanted to get home. It was just getting too late.
Toes to Bar
Burpee Box jump overs 20"