Thursday, May 28, 2015


Day 1
For Time
Row 2k

7:07 not great

0-500 1:40 pace
500-1000 1:45 pace
1000-1500 1:50 pace
1500-1750 1:47 pace
1750-2000 1:40/1:45 pace

My hamstrings are a bit tired from yesterday

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Day 16
A. 30 Shoulder to OH for Time 225lbs

It was bad. Really struggles to lock out my left. 3,3,3,1,1,1,1,1,.......

EMOM 24 min
Min 1 5 deadlifts 315lbs
Min 2 10 Stationary lunges back rack @ 185lbs
Min 3 8 Box Jumpsk 30"

Was that supposed to be ridiculously hard?? What the fuck, shit was hard. Just very tired. Nothing specific, a little shaky on the lunges but that's all. Just tired overall. 

Whatever all good. I'm not stressing over it. 

Need new Programing, this was last day. If it's not done, it's all good. Can wait until after regionals. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Day 15
A. Squat clean 8 reps at 85-90 Percent 1rm Rest as needed btwn sets

245 felt pretty good

B. Hang Squat Clean cluster x5 Rest 20 seconds btwn reps Rest 2 min btwn sets


Then did 225 for the first 2 clusters. Dropped on 3rd

For Time
Calorie Row
Calorie AD
Rest 5 Min


Felt good to have a decent workout today. Maybe didn't push as hard as I could have on the metcon but whatever. It was good. Woke up at 4am so.....

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Day 14
A. Split Jerk 1 Rep @ 60% Every 30 seconds For 40 reps

185 for all. More then 60% but whatever. 

B1 Bent Over Row 6,6,6,4,4,4 Rest 1 minute

155, 155, 155, 175, 175, 175

Low back is a little sore. Not concerning. Just sore

B2 Strict Press 1, 1,1, 1, 1, 1, Rest 1 Minute

155, 155, 155, 155, 155, 155

AMRAP 3 Min 
10 HPC + Jerks 135lbs
10 Burpees

2 complete
Burpees slow 

Rest 2 min
3 Clean and Jerks 185lbs
7 toes to bar


Rest 1 minute
Power cleans 225lbs

3 squat cleans. 

My pull kinda sucks right now and I'm tired. It's hard to push hard in metcon's when I'm low on sleep. It's all good. 

I'm pretty content with you continuing to program like normal but I'm not going to stress about how I do, if I miss a day, rush or don't have time to do everything. I'm sure I'll sacrifice some results but it's most realistic right now and I think it's still better then just doing the class wods.

Monday, May 18, 2015


Day 13
A. Back Squat to a Heavy single


It was easy so I went to 385 and I almost got it but didn't. I was happy. Hardly warmed up and still got 365 easy. 

B. Walking Lunges 20 Steps Front rack 

155, 165, 165, 165, 165

This is hard. Why is it so hard, lack or sleep?? No good. 

C. Seated Good mornings 6-8 Reps

135 x8
135 x8
135 x8

Took these kinda easy because I suck at them

I just assumed you wanted 5 sets on each with about 2mn rest

10 rounds
5 Power snatches 155lbs
40 Double Unders
Round 1-3 rest 2 minutes Rounds 4-7 Rest 1 minutes Rounds 8-10 For Time

:50 messed up once on dbl unders 
3:10 total for last 3 sets

This was fun. Hard at the end. All singles on snatches. All dbl unders unbroken besides the one set

Monday, May 4, 2015


10 rounds
20cal AD
40 Double Unders
Round 1-3 rest 2 minutes Rounds 4-7 Rest 1 minutes Rounds 8-10 For Time

1:23 quads. Ad so bad

All the issue was the AD and tight quads. Lots of quads the last few days. I missed a few dbl unders on the first 2 rounds but unbroken after that. 


3 mile walk
4 mile run
Stretched a lot


6 rounds
50 cal AD
3 rounds 
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 air squats

Took about 34mn. I think I did an extra round of Cindy in there toward the end. Everything was pretty consistant and unbroken on everything. 

Took a 4 mile run in afternoon and then stretched a little

Saturday, May 2, 2015


Day 12
A. 10 Shoulder to OH AFAP @ 225lbs x3 rest 3 minutes

1:06 6,2,1,1
1:00 4,3,2,1
:53 4,3,2,1 

Is the fact that I get faster a sign that I don't warm up enough? I struggle with the last few inches of lockout. When I jerk I'm not fully locked out when I'm tired and the last few inches of press are a bitch. 

EMOM 21 Min
Min 1 5 bench press 185
Min 2 10 Stationary lunges back rack @ 185lbs
Min 3 12cal AD

This was all pretty hard. Especially the lunges.