Day 9
A. 6-8 reps 1/ and 1/4th Front Squats rest 2 minutes x5
155 x8
155 x8
155 x8
165 x7
165 x6
I think I should do a lot more weight but this is hard to complete. I'm very tired today, didn't sleep much, Luca woke up a lot and then woke up at 4:45.
B. Banded Leg extensions 18-20 reps rest 2 min x3
Yup- but this is stupid. I feel it for the last 7 reps each time. Hard to keep bands on feet. End up putting it under my foot and turning foot out. I boycott for 1 year.
+ EMOM until failure or 160 reps
20 Wall Ball Tosses
I stayed unbroken until the 6th set. Then broke up. Should have finished the 160 but I miscalculated my rest, wasn't thinking. I still did the last three but they were into the next minute.
+ EMOM until Failure or 105 reps
15 Burpees to a 6" target
Missed last minute by a rep or two. Shoulders/chest tired.