Saturday, May 17, 2014


Day 1
A. BackSquat 6x6 @ 260-Rest 2 minutes

Felt good

B. Deadlift 6x6 @ 340-Rest 2 minutes

Did 6x3 and it felt ok. Back still tight and a little pain but getting better. Didn't want to push it to to much

6 Sets For reps and Time
AMRAP 1 Min Toes to Bar
15 Power Snatches 95lbs
400M Run
Rest 4 minutes Btwn Sets

28, 3:37
24, 5:33 (maybe this is wrong??)
18, 4:07
20, 4:18
18, 4:31
20, 4:18

First running workout of the year. Sucked and it was all hard. Grip was a bitch on the t2b and the snatches. 


Day 19
A.EMOM 12 Minutes
3 Squat Snatch @ 115

Middle/low back started to cramp at minute 7 but I finished and rolled it out for a while

B Push Press 2-2-2-2-1-1-1-1-Rest 2 minutes

185, 185, 195, 205, 205, 205, 205, 215

I felt weak and these were hard. Just been struggling lately. 

AD 30 Seconds Hard
15 KB Swings 2 Pood
15 Box Jumps 24 inches
Rest 5 Minutes

1:42, 1:45, 1:47, 1:53, 2:00, 1:54

Struggled. Legs were worked on the box jumps. Surprisingly, AD wasn't to bad. Kb's unbroken. 


Day 20
A. Back Squat 6x2 260-rest 2 Minutes


B. Deadlift 6x2 340-Rest 2 Minutes

Hard but got it done. Hopefully back is getting better. 

30 min Airdyne Z1


Friday, May 9, 2014


Day 18
A. Back Squat- 6x5 @ 260-Rest 2 Minutes

Back squat hard but got it done. Back issues. Middle back was bothering me

B. Deadlift 6x5 @ 340-Rest 2 minutes

275 DL 5x3. Back is messed up. Not sure what's up

For Time
400M Farmers Carry 2 Pood KB's each Hand

4:50 grip 

Thursday, May 8, 2014


Day 17
EMOM 22 Minutes
Min 1- Power cleans 3-5 @ 205

3,3,3,3,3,2,3,2,  4,3,4

Dropped to 185 for last 3 sets. I struggled with these. Some of my last reps turned into squat cleans. Much harder then last time I did it.  Wasn't catching solid, chest was down, elbows down, not real stable on my feet, kinda stumbled a few times. 

Min 2 Muscle ups 2-3


EMOM 24 Minutes
Min 1-Push Jerks 3-5 @ 165


Min 2-Box Jumps 10 @ 24 inches


Min 3- 10 KB Swings


Overall it was a better day then I've been having. Still feeling kinda weak and sore but less so. 


6x2 squat at 260. Rest 2mn

Not to bad

6x2 dead lift @ 340. Rest 2mn

Really sore still and struggled a lot with first set. Dropped to 225 and did 5x5 just to keep body moving and working a little. It seems to loosen me up. Hopefully will be back on track with 6x program

I did not so squat clean Elizabeth like you mentioned. Body needs more a of a break. Not sure what my deal is but I'm struggling and sore. 


Day 16
A. Back Squat 5x5 @ 275 Rest 2 minutes

Failed last rep, really hard

B. Deadlift 5x5 @ 360 Rest 2 minutes

Did not do, to sore

Double Unders

3:45 easy

Body is struggling with volume. Really sore and weak. 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Day 15 
A. Back Squat 6x2 @ 260 Rest 2 minutes

Done, not bad. 

B. Deadlift 6x2 @ 340- rest 2 minutes


Row Max distance in 60 Minutes


Felt good. Consistent 2:05 pace. Thing I can do a little more. I had some left in the tank at the end.