Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Day 4
Run 400M @ 85%
Rest 2 Minutes

1:12, 1:16, 1:25, 1:24, 1:21, 1:25, 1:24, 1:19, 1:21, 1:23

Hard. Have not run in a LONG time. Hamstrings and hips very tight for the first few but then loosened up. Feel slow. Not sure what my old times were and they weren't on a real track so who knows. What would be good on this workout? Felt slow and hard. Pushed hard the whole time though, didn't let myself give in. 


Day 3
A.  5 Defecit Deadlift 2-4" Tempo 5031x5 - Rest 3 Minutes

245,245,245,265, 285,

Really tough on grip. Felt more in middle/upper back then normal DL. 

B. Good Mornings 12-14 Reps x5  -Rest 2 minutes

95 for all. Not to hard but not easy. 

Not sure what I should be doing on either of these weights. 

Deadlifts 185
Chest to Bar Pull ups
Rest 10 Minutes Btwn Efforts 

4:52 grip. Did with gymnastics grips

6:02 grip.  No gymnatics grips

Body didn't get to tired but I could not hold on to the bar anymore. Went to singles on the C2B in every set. shoulders were bothering me on the pull-ups too but I think that was just from sitting on the plane a bunch and not loosening them up more.


Annie + burpees


Dbl unders, burpees, sit-ups. 


Did this by the pool at our hotel. Pretty cool. First time I've ever been at a hotel where there were 20 people doing crossfit in the courtyard. 


Day 2
A. Front Squat 5,4,3,2,1-Rest 2 Minutes

225,235, 245, 255, 275

Not bad at all. No hip issue. Some of the sets were hard but last one was pretty easy

B. 150 Wall Ball tosses for time

6:39 pr I think

20, 20,20,20,20,20,10,8, 12

C. 400M Farmers Carry for time 2 Pood each hand

I cannot do this today. Not sure what's wrong with my pinky but it's not happy. Nothing major. Just think its the tendon or somthing. See video from yesterday. It is stuck out. 

3 Min AD for Max Cals
Rest 3 Minutes BTWN Efforts

61, 57, 54, 59

Lactic acid build up- crazy. Not to bad cardio, but legs just wouldn't move much faster. 

Hips feel good for a change. 


Day 1. 
A. Power Snatch Clusters 3.3.3-x5 Rest 20 Seconds Rest 2 minutes
135, 135, 135, 135, 135

So hard. Grip was a struggle. Everything feels heavy lately. Need to do shoulder mobility- very tight. Felt like I should have done a lot more but not today. Thought I should be around 155. 

B. Snatch Pulls (Floor to top of Knee...Video) 3x3-Rest 2 Minutes

205, 225, 245, 245





Did an extra because 205 was really easy but didn't get last rep. Can't hold on any more. 

Glad I get to do a bunch of dead lifts now.

OHS 135
Deadlift 225


Terrible. So hard. Ohs was hard but ok, wrists were a limiting factor. Tried to bring in my grip like I normally do but shoulders are really tight. Did OHS: 7,8,6; 10,5; 9

Dead lift were very hard for me. Grip and left low back was hurting. These took me much longer then the OHS. Really struggled on DL.  

Monday, July 21, 2014


Day 9
A.Power Clean Clusters 3.3.3x5 Rest 20 Seconds Rest 3 minutes

185 for first and last
195 for middle 3 sets

Kinda hard. Low back hurt

B1 3 Push Jerkx6-Rest 2 Minutes
185, 195, 195. 195, 195, 195

It wasn't bad. I could have done more but was taking it easy on my back 

B2 3 Bench Pressx6- Rest 2 minutes

185, 195, 195, 195, 195, 195

Not bad. Should have done more. Needed a spotter though. Should have asked you. I was kinda rushing to get done before the class started

C1 4 Weighted Pull ups x5 Rest 1 Minute



C2 4 Weight Dips x5 Rest 1 Minute
24 kb's

Fairly easy


Very easy 3 mile run


Day 10
A. Power Clean 5x5

185 across. Thought I would increase but no. Feels heavy. Nothing particular is tired. Just overall heavy and slow.  Grip is a struggle after set 3

20 Min AMRAP
20 Calorie AD
20 Front Squat 135 (From Ground)
20 Burpees

4 + 8 cals

Front squat was hard. First time I squated besides GG since hip issues


Did clean clusters from day 9 

3, 3, 3, x6 rest 20sec. Rest 3mn

Did 185 across. That was it gym was to busy. Low back bothering me on cleans. 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Day 8
A. Deadlift 1x5-Heavier Than Last Week

365. Hard to hold on to. 

Deadlifts 315
Burpee Box Jumps 20 inches

Did @275 and 24"


Burpees ok- just rested at top of box for a breath. 

Dead lifts. Really hard. Low back hurt after round of 9

5,5,5 this was easy
3, 2, 2, 1,1
3, 1, 1, 1
1, 1, 1

Rest on DL was pretty long. I was out of breath and my low back was pretty worked. So I took time to catch my breath before lifting. Ate up a bit of time


Day 7
A1. Push Press 2-4 Reps-Rest 1 Minute
185x4 x 5

A2. 5 Muscle ups for time-Rest 3 Minutes

:15 x5
All unbroken. These have been feeling good. 

B. 7 Power Snatches @ 145 x5-Rest 3 minutes Btwn Sets

Yup, felt heavy. Broke up immediately 

4 and 3 or 5 and 2

6 Sets
10 Clean and Jerks
10 Burpees
10 Box Jumps 24"
Rest 6 Minutes Btwn Sets

2:00 screwed up a box jump

Not to bad but supper tired today from GG workouts. Legs felt like 500lbs on box jumps. Burpees were fine. CJ'a were ok but didn't do any of them unbroken. Mainly 6 and 4. Until the last two rounds which were more like 5, 3, 1,1

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Day 6
A. EMOM 10 Min 6 Deadlifts @ 275

Yup- not to bad. A little rough on the low back

C. Glute Barbell Bridges 18-20 Repsx3- Rest 2 minutes

Did at 135. 

18, 20, 18

For Time
100 Toes to Bar
EMOM 7 KB Swings 2 Pood


Did about 30 the first minut and then down to about 10 for the rest of the time. Grip grip and more grip. Others then grip, it was fine on my body. 

Thursday, July 3, 2014


Day 5 
A. Deadlift 1x5-Heaviest Possible

335- not terrible. Maybe could do more but very sore and LB/hamstring pain

10 Min AMRAP @ 85%
20 Cal AD
10 Toes to Bar
30 Double Unders


rest 5 minutes
10 Min AMRAP @ 85%
20 Cal AD
10 Toes to Bar
15 Box Jumps 24"


Rest 5 Minutes
10 Min AMRAP @ 85%
20 Cal AD
10 Toes to Bar
15 KB Swings 2 Pood


"85%... What does that even mean???'""  That's what was going through my head the whole time.  I  wasn't near 100% but I'm still not great at pacing. 

AD sucks the same at 100 as it does 80%,   Did all the t2b in sets of 5 with about 10 sec break in between- this was easy.  Did the dbl's unbroken but as slow as I could- easy. Did the box jumps unbroken and slow- easy. Did kb's in 8/7 with 5 sec break-easy. 

AD was pretty hard. 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


Day 4
A.Power Clean Clusters Rest 20 Seconds Rest 3 minutes
185, 185, 185, 195, 195

B1 3 Push Jerkx8-Rest 2 Minutes
185, 185,195, 195, 195, 195, 195, 195

B2 3 Bench Pressx8- Rest 2 minutes
185, 185, 195, 195, 195, 195, 195, 195

C1 6 Weighted Pull ups x5 Rest 1 Minute
C2 6 Weight Dips x5 Rest 1 Minute

Did not do c1/c2. Ran out of time

Everything felt pretty heavy. I'm not sure what I should have been able to. I may have been able to do a little more on the cleans but the later reps would have been questionable 

I definitely could have done more in the beginning on the jerks but I would not have been able to maintain. By set 7,8 the jerks were pretty tough. 

It's the next day now and I'm pretty freekin sore. In my low back, hamstrings and shoulders. Some of this is from day 3 as well.