Ran in beach. I just set a timer for 22mn and ran down beach. Then tried to run fast on way back. Took me 18mn on way back.
Friday, January 30, 2015
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Nosara WOD 3
Surfed twice today
5 rounds for time
10 sandbag squats
15 burpees
30 dbl unders
Was whatever. Travis did it with me, only held me up a few times. Nothing significant.
Snag is heavy. Was hard to clean it at the end.
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Nosara workout 1
Dbl unders
W/ 10 burpees after each round.
About 11:30 with some setbacks. Did it on deck out back of room. Kept hitting stuff with jump rope. All was good.
Surfed in morning. Really tight shoulders when paddling.
91 degrees and sunny at rossfit south.
Friday, January 23, 2015
Day 12
For Time (sorry you will be sore after today)
30 Thrusters @ 155lbs
30 Chest to bar Pull ups
60 Front Squats 115lbs
60 Box jumps 30"
90 Wall Ball tosses
90 Sit ups
For Time (sorry you will be sore after today)
30 Thrusters @ 155lbs
30 Chest to bar Pull ups
60 Front Squats 115lbs
60 Box jumps 30"
90 Wall Ball tosses
90 Sit ups
32:25 ouch
My whole body is shaking. Started on box jumps. I think I'm dying.
That's how I felt immediately after.
The thrusters were ok as sets of 5, just took a few minutes and paced well. Did the pull-ups in 5's. This was pretty easy but I was trying to save energy. Maybe should have done 7 or 10.
Then I took a while on the weight change. Did a few reps and realized k only had 75lbs on bar. Then I switched weight. Now I realize that when I switched the weight, input on 125. So I did the 60 at 125lbs. This was really hard. Did sets of 10 for the most part. My low back was really tired.
Box jumps were slow and I didn't bound them but they were ok. I had to really bens my knees and jump with my legs and not my calves because my left calf was on the verge of cramping. I did slam my shin when I missed one at around 50.
Wall balls were hard because I was tired and my back hurt but I did sets of 15 until end when I broke it up more after 60.
Sit ups were fine. 45, 20,15, 10
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Just before 5am
Day 11
A. Power clean 6 Singles @ 85% Rest 90 Seconds
A. Power clean 6 Singles @ 85% Rest 90 Seconds
B. EMOM 10 Min 4 Deadlifts @ 315
Yup, not to bad
C. Good Mornings 10-12 Reps x3 Rest 2 minutes
95 x12
95 x12
95 x12
Didn't want to do to much. I haven't done these in a while and remember being very sore once from these. Have to sit on plane and don't feel like being in pain.
Row 500m @ 85%
Rest 2 minutes
1:45, 1:45, 1:45, 1:45, 1:45
Don't think we are doing enough posterior chain stuff today. Ouch. Hamstrings are tired. They were tired on my warmup row.
I'm out of time. Only did 5 sets. Had to leave at 6:15 to get home and get to airport. It's 6:20 now. Blah-
Monday, January 19, 2015
Day 10
A. Squat Snatch 8 Singles @ 80% Rest 90 seconds
A. Squat Snatch 8 Singles @ 80% Rest 90 seconds
B. Snatch Balance 5x5 Rest 2 Minutes
175, 175, 185, 195, 205
C. 4x3 Snatch Pulls to the hip rest 2 minutes 3 Second Pause Below the Knee 3 Second Above, 3 second Mid quad
95, 95, 95
Good enough I guess. Didn't feel great
AD 15 Seconds AFAP
Rest 2:15
Hamstrings and system overload. Felt like dying after each round. Wanted to lay down.
Had to lay down after. Felt like death. Started sweating profusely and had to grab bucket. Didn't puke but wanted to.
Not sure I can finish row today.
Row 10 seconds AFAP
Rest 50 Seconds
Row 20 Seconds AFAP
Rest 40 Seconds
Row 30 Secons AFAP
Rest 3 minutes
Didn't do this. I did this workout 2 weeks ago and was fine. Not sure what's up today, not good. Probably nutrition??
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Day 9
A. Front Squat 5, 1, 5, 1, 5, 1 Rest 2 minutes btwn sets
A. Front Squat 5, 1, 5, 1, 5, 1 Rest 2 minutes btwn sets
255, 285, 265, 295, 265, 305pr
Upper back right. Just positioning issues.
B. Split Jerk to a Heavy Single
255. Missed 265 twice.
Distracted- lots of work calls. Makes me angry
C. Drop to 80% and Take 6 Singles
205 not very good form.
20 Min AMRAP
20 Thrusters @ 95lbs
20 Box Jumps 24"
20 Thrusters @ 115lbs
20 Box Jumps
20 Thrusters 135lbs
20 Box Jumps
20 Thrusters 155lbs
20 Box Jumps
20 Thrusters @ 175
20 Box Jumps
20 Thrusters @ 195
20 Box Jumps
Remainder time Thrusters @ 205lbs
20 Thrusters @ 195
20 Box Jumps
Remainder time Thrusters @ 205lbs
For through 9 reps at 175. I wasn't into it today. I was very distracted and thinking about work during the metcon. That normally doesn't happen. My hips and low back were tired. Especially low back. Shoulders were ok for the most part. Didn't even really pay attention to my reps and breaks. Think I did 10,10 for 95lbs and then 5's until 175. Box jumps were easy.
Monday, January 12, 2015
Day 7
A. Power Clean 8 Reps @ 80% Rest 90 Seconds Btwn reps
A. Power Clean 8 Reps @ 80% Rest 90 Seconds Btwn reps
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
At 205. Felt good but my feet are glued to the floor. Not moving at all.
B. Defecit Deadlift 2-4" Plast form Build to a 3 Rep Max
385 x3
C. Back extensions 22-26 x4 Rest 2 minutes
23, 24, 23, 22
Left side of low back very tight, muscle kinda hurts. Easier then last week though
20 Wall Ball Tosses
10 Toes to Bar
4 + 17
Unbroken on all except when I was laughing at the penis picture you and Aaron were talking about.
Rest 4 Minutes
10 Front Squats 155
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs 20"
3 rounds.
Hard. Even burpees were slow, chest sore from Saturday. First set of front squat unbroken. Then 6,4 for second and third.
Rest 4 Minutes
5 Squat Cleans 185
10 Chest to Bar Pull ups
3 + 3
Singles on squat cleans- these were easier then the last round of front squats. Unbroken on c2b. I should have gone quicker on the cleans. I picked up the pace for the last three and should have done that sooner.
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Comp Class
Max height box jump
I only did 48" I don't remember what I have done in the past but it was over 50". I think this is stupid, I stopped at 48" because I'm not an idiot and have no reason to see how hi I can jump unless challenged to a duel.
Clean conga line in teams of 3
Did with Matt stock and Aaron
15 @205
12 @ 225
9 @ 235
6 @ 255
Amrap @ 275
I was a little forward and loose in the catch. Did 255 twice.
Team Linda (+ burpees) did with Nick, Shane, Stock
Bench press, DL, squat clean. Burpees
Screwed up our weights. BP @ 165, DL @ 185, cleans @ 145.
Took us about 23mn. All was easy but I suck at bench press. I was probably the worst of our group at bench press. I also did my sets the fist few rounds in too big a chunks.
Friday, January 9, 2015
Day 8
10 Min AMRAP @ 85%
10 KB Swings
AD 20 Cals
10 Min AMRAP @ 85%
10 KB Swings
AD 20 Cals
5 + 17
REst 10 Min
10 Min AMRAP @ 85%
10 HPC @ 95lbs
AD 20 Cals
5 + 17
HPC was good and fast.
Rest 10 Min
10 Min AMRAP @ 85%
5 Hang Squat Cleans 115lbs
AD 20 Cals
5 + 2
Hang squat cleans were slow. Hips tired. Had to reset more then the hpc.
Overall the AD was the limiting factor. I wasn't real tired but my legs couldn't go much faster and sustain the pace.
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Day 6
A. Squat Snatch 6 Singles @ 80% Rest 90 Seconds
A. Squat Snatch 6 Singles @ 80% Rest 90 Seconds
175 these all felt really good.
My right shoulder kinda hurts after seeing Stephanie yesterday. It feel loos but not very strong.
B. 4-5 OHS x5 Rest 2 minutes 3 seconds down 3 second pause at the bottom fast up 1 second Pause at the top
175 x5
175 x4
175 x5
175 x5
175 x4
C. 3x3 Snatch Pulls to the hip rest 2 minutes 3 Second Pause Below the Knee 3 Second Above, 3 second Mid quad
Feels very weird.
AD 15 Seconds AFAP
Rest 2:15
AD 15 Seconds AFAP
Rest 2:15
18cals is what it stopped at. It was at 15cals after 15 seconds
20 cals
18 cals
Row 10 seconds AFAP
Rest 50 Seconds
Row 20 Seconds AFAP
Rest 40 Seconds
Row 30 Secons AFAP
Rest 3 minutes
Row 10 seconds AFAP
Rest 50 Seconds
Row 20 Seconds AFAP
Rest 40 Seconds
Row 30 Secons AFAP
Rest 3 minutes
Yup- hard to keep track of how many calories. Rower/clock kept messing up so I just went off of timer and did it. Hamstrings hurt. Out of breath.
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Day 5
A. Front Squat 10, 2, 10, 2, 10, 2 Rest 2 minutes btwn sets
A. Front Squat 10, 2, 10, 2, 10, 2 Rest 2 minutes btwn sets
245 x10 to much rounding way forward on last few reps. Will go down
275 x2 this was right
225 x10 this was right. Still hard. Back rounding
275 x2 hard
225 x8 come on. Not good. I just stopped. I could have done 2 more.
275 x2
These were really hard. Just not strong today. No food. I was coming forward and rounding my upper back as I got tired.
B. Split Jerk Clusters x5 Rest 2 minutes
Probably could have done more but I wasn't locking out real well. I was pressing out at end and I wanted to work on doing it right.
20 Min AMRAP
20 Thrusters @ 150lbs
20 Burpee Box Jump Overs 30"
20 Cal AD
20 Min AMRAP
20 Thrusters @ 150lbs
20 Burpee Box Jump Overs 30"
20 Cal AD
3 + 40
Ouch. Box jumps were slow. All thrusters were in sets of 5 but too much rest. Ad was ok. My hips were tired on the thrusters and box jumps. Calves started cramping up at the end of my last set of box jumps.
Just tired today. Haven't eaten anything since last night. Not a good idea.
Monday, January 5, 2015
Day 3
A. Power Clean 6 Reps @ 80% Rest 90 Seconds Btwn reps
A. Power Clean 6 Reps @ 80% Rest 90 Seconds Btwn reps
B. Defecit Deadlift 2-4" Plast form Build to a 5 Rep Max
365. 4 at plast form. Last one was questionable.
C. Back Extensions 20-24 x4 Rest 2 minutes
20, 20, 20,
These are tougher then I thought they would be. Back and hamstrings obviously. Left side of back is worse then right. Weird.
3 Muscle ups
9 Power Snatches 135
Rest 4 Minutes
4 rounds. Mups unbroken, snatches in 3's until last three reps, did singles. Shoulder hurt.
10 Burpees
10 Shoulder to OH 135 lbs
Rest 4 Minutes
4 + 3
S2OH: 10 first round, 5's after that.
10 Box Jumps 24"
10 Power Cleans 135
4 + 4
Broke the clean and jerks into 5's.
It was ok. Just tired at this point but movements were pretty fast and not to taxing.
Overall I was too fast on the first sets of every round. Hips were overall tired in everything. Pull was decent
Saturday, January 3, 2015
Comp Class
A) 3mn amrap freestanding handstands
6 + about 5 almost good ones but not quite legit
B) snatch ladder as a team of 3- 7mn
135 x15
155 x12
165 x9
185 x6
205 amrap
Did this with Shane and Matt Stock. Weights were right but they wanted to do singles from the beginning and I wish I has done 5's for the 14 and then 4's for the 12 but whatever. I did 3 of the 185 because they missed a few and I did 2 at 205. Then just for fun I tried 215 and pr'd. I should have tried more it was easy and solid. First snatch pr in over a year.
C) as a team with tony
20 thrusters at 135
30 burpees
4 pull-ups
30 burpees
40 thrusters
30 burpees
40 pull-ups
30 burpees
20 thrusters
We were timing to beat Megan and Kelly and did by over a mn. I was happy with my performance. We split every bring in 1/2. Did 10,10 on first and last set of thrusters. 5's on middle set of thrusters. 15,15 on burpees and 10's on pullups. I didn't slow anything down and keep up with tony on everything. I thought it would be hard to keep up but it wasn't.
5mn amrap
10 cal AD
20 double unders
5 burpees
Rest 5 mn
3 + 30 messed up dbl unders a lot
4 + 10
4 + 30
4 + 34
My quads and hips were really tired on AD.
Day 4
90 Second Row @ 85%
30 Double Unders
Rest 2 minutes
90 Second Row @ 85%
30 Double Unders
Rest 2 minutes
1,1,1, 1, 1
90 Second Row @ 85%
10 Burpees @85%
Rest 2 Minutes
90 Second Row @ 85%
10 Burpees @85%
Rest 2 Minutes
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