Day 9
A.EMOM 12 Minutes
1 Squat Snatch @ 145
Easy- maybe a little heavier??
B Strict Press 2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1
135, 145, 145, 145, 150, 150, 145, 145
I was disappointed with this. Just felt weak. Maybe cuz it was morning and I hadn't eaten since last night, still sick too. Not really sure but seemed like I should have done more.
AD 30 Seconds Hard
10 Chest to Bar Pull ups
10 Burpees
x6 sets
Rest 3 minutes Between sets
1:11, 1:15, 1:14, 1:13, 1:14, 1:14
AD sucks- mainly lactic acid buildup in quads. C2b unbroken without much issue and burpees were pretty quick.
I checked out the rowing clinic after. It was put on by the St Thomas rowing crew. Was pretty cool, my technique is pretty good, only thing I really need to change is to not come so far forward only come forward as long as my heels are on the pads. Said I may move a little slower until I get used to it but then my efficiency and pace should increase.
Did a bit of rowing in the clinic. A bit of technique and the. 2x 500m and 1000m sprints.
Btw- they've seen you in the st Thomas gym. Said everyone stares at you like you a freak when your lifting. I told him you said they are all pussies.