Day 2
A. Clean Pulls 3,3,3,2,2,2 Rest 2 minutes
A. Clean Pulls 3,3,3,2,2,2 Rest 2 minutes
225 x3
245 x2
Staying lighter and videoing. Trying to pull More vertical instead of around my knees and then back. Pull doesn't look very good today. Hamstrings are pretty tight from yesterday too.
B. Squat Clean 10 Singles @ 245lbs-265lbs Rest 2 minutes btwn attempts
I just hit my dick so hard with the barbell, 2 times in a row. I'm not cleaning any more today. My dick can't take it. Not sure why that's happening but it's no bueno.
Really struggling today. A bit preoccupied with work and stuff. Not really strong. Hard to stand up the squat.
C. EMOM 10 Min 3 Hang Squat Cleans @ moderate load
Nope, my dick hurts
D1. 15 KB Swings 70lbs Rest 10 Seconds x5
D2. 12-15 Reverse Hypers Rest 2 minutes x5
Did 15 for all the hypers.
Figures a good way to do hypers with the bad around the base. Used purple. Hard on mid back, as it is supposed to be
Ran at track about 3 hrs later
Run 400M @ 85%
Rest 2 minutes x6
Hamstrings very tight. I'm slow. Other people on track and clock was off to side so timing was exact. I defiantly got slower as I went.