Day 15
At 9:15:
3 partner relay. 20mn amrap. 9 cal row, 6 box jump overs, 9 thrusters at 95.
6 rounds. Easy and unbroken. Obviously.
At noon:
A. EMOM 12 min 3 Hang Squat snatches @ 65% 1rm
Not great but did it ok. Felt like I was catching it forward. Not sure if it was because I was pulling up more instead of back or if it's cuz my shoulders are tight from this mornings thrusters.
B. Snatch Balance 5,4,3,2,1 Rest 2 minutes
165, 175, 185, 205, 225
Could have done more. I wasn't very fast though.y drop was pretty slow.
C. OHS 3x3
Tried 245 and dropped my last rep. My right shoulder is not happy with this movement. I don't think I should do more ohs's today.
For Time
50 Chest to Bar Pull ups
50 Wall Ball tosses
50 Box Jumps 30inches
50 Wall Ball tosses
50 Chest to Bar Pull ups
50 Wall Ball tosses
Felt pretty good about this. Was well paced. Did the first set of c2b as 10,10,10,5,5,5,5. Second set was 5'd and then singles. All the wall balls were 15,15,10,10. Box jumps were slow but steady, I can't bound 30" bjs in a workout like this.