Day 10
A. EMOM 12 min 3 Hang Squat snatches @ 60% 1rm
A. EMOM 12 min 3 Hang Squat snatches @ 60% 1rm
Yup- I actually did 13mn. My low back is very tired.
B. Establish Max UB Chest to Bar Pull ups in 3 Attempts rest as Needed
30, 23 ripped my hands, 19 grip
Not sure why I stopped at 30. I just did without thinking. I was tired but not so tired I needed to stop.
20 Min AMRAP
50 Cals Rowing
50 WB Tosses
50 Toes to Bar
50 KB Swings 2 Pood
50 Box Jumps 24inches
1 round + 76 reps
Hardest part was t2b- grip and hips tired.