Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Day 1/Wednesday

Day 1 

A. Make sure you have a really good warm up before you start this. Hit some 5 second AB sprints to get your HR up 

30 squat Cleans @ 205lbs for Time 

6:22 my low back is destroyed from Monday. Left side low back. Probably should have stopped. But I didn't. 

B. Tempo Zombie Squats 4-5 reps 3 seconds down no pause 3 seconds up no pause rest 2 minutes x5 

135 x5 Staying light to keep easy on back and keep good positioning 
155 x5
155 x5
155 x5
155 x5

Felt good.

+ 20 min AMRAP 
10 HSPU 
10 Dumbell Snatches 100lbs (did at 70)
10 Shoulder to OH 115lbs 
10 Chest to bar Pull ups 

5 round  + 20 reps

Everything unbroken. Transitions really slow. Dbs REALLY slow. By far, the most time on dbs.  Tried 100lbs and could not get one. Between my low back and poor shoulder stability, it wasn't happening. Felt low back a lot on dbs. 

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