Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Day 6/Tuesday

Day 6
 A. Make sure you have a really good warm up before you start this. Hit some 5 second AB sprints to get your HR up 30 squat Cleans @ 225lbs for Time 

8:41 i was happy with this. all singles. last 10 were pretty slow. first 10 was less then 2mn. then maybe 3mn for next 10 and remainer for last 10.

B. Tempo Zombie Squats 2-4 reps 3 seconds down no pause 3 seconds up no pause rest 2 minutes x5 

not enough time for B

+ 5 rounds for Time 7 Strict HSPU 15 Power snatches 95lbs 15 Thrusters 95lbs 7 Muslce ups

Felt like death. Did 3 rounds in 14:57 and quit. HSPU unbroken. 1st set of snatches and thrusters, 8/7. then 5's
mups all 4/3. Shoulders were pretty tired, barbel felt heavy. I was super out of breath, hot and high heart rate.  Some of it may be the heat, nutrition and hydration. Felt like bitch for not finishing but i'm not sure it was realistic to keep going. I was done.

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