Thursday, December 18, 2014


Day 13
A. 12 Min EMOM 1 Power clean @ 95% 1rm

These were all pretty bad. I don't feel like I was slamming my hips but my feet didn't move back at all and every one except my warm up and 3rd rep were squat cleans. 

B. Push Jerk 5x5 rest 2 minutes

185, 195, 205, 205, 215

I should do more next time. Jerk felt pretty good. Bicep hurts a little but not during work, in between sets. 

C. 4-6 Front Squats 4-6 Front Squats 3 seconds down 3 seconds pause 3 seconds up rest 2 minutes x5

165 x5
165 x5 I start inching forward with my chest which put more weight in wrists/biceps. Doesn't help. Need to keep chest up
165 x4
165 x4

T spine tight, biceps hurts a little. Just trying to stay tight and chest up. 
30 Min Z1 AD

I took a 40mn run instead of AD. Felt good to get outside even though it's cold, miserable and dark at 4pm. 

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