Thursday, September 25, 2014


Day 9
A. Deadlift 5x5 - Rest 3 minutes Reset after Every rep

315 harder having to reset. 
335 this is the right weight

I didn't drop the bar but just reset at the bottom. Right?

Should I have gone heavier? 

B. 8-10 tempo Good mornings 5 Seconds Down 3 second Pause 3 Seconds up -x5 rest 2 minutes

45 x10
45 x8 hold for 3 at bottom is hardest
45 x8
45 x8
45 x8 so hard. 

C. 20-24 Glute Ham Bridges- x3 Rest 2 minutes

135 x24 about right I think
135 x24
135 x24

D. 30 Muscle ups For Time

5:58 I think

4,4,4,3,3,2,2,1,1,1,1,1...... Missed last rep 2times. 

Not real happy with this. Thought I would do better. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Day 8
A. Squat Snatch x5 Rest 2 minutes

165 getting hard but fighting through. Low back a but tight now
165 missed very last rep. Just rushed, through it over my head

B. Back Squat to a 3 Rep Max Back Down to 75% and perform 3 sets of 10.- Rest 2 minutes Btwn sets

315 for max. Not real happy with it. Felt super heavy

235x10, x5. I really struggled with these. Surprising to me. 

30 Squat cleans for time @ 205
EMOM 7 Box Jumps 24 inches

I screwed this up. I forgot about the box jumps and just did 30 for time but it was to much for me. I dropped to 185 after 15 reps


 I was just struggling squatting today. Volume getting to me a bit with all the squat movements. I'll get through it, need to be able to handle more. I knew going into the the cleans that it was going to be a problem so just planned on slow and steady but i still needed to drop weight. I contemplated skipping it but I figured it was better to struggle through it even though it was super slow and hard. 

Snatches were good though. Pretty happy with those. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Day 7
A. Split Jerk Clusters x5 Rest 20 seconds Rest 2 minutes

205 this is the right weight
205 a little trouble locking out left arm. Just a little bent on the catch
205 getting hard to catch. A little wobbly

B. 8-10 Bent over rows -x5 rest 2 minutes

115 x8
115 x8
115 x8
115 x8
115 x10

Did this last and running out of time so only 1mn rest. 

Should have done more weight and more reps but really rushing. 

10 rounds 
10 chest to Bar Pull ups
10 Box Jumps
Rest 90 Seconds BTWN Rounds

:28 box jumps kinda slow
:26 shoulders tight on c2b
:25 box jumps better
:26 slipped on a bj

All unbroken and pretty easy. Grip a little hard at the end but not a big deal. Never got very tired on this. Pretty solid

Monday, September 22, 2014


Day 6
A. Hang Squat Clean Clusters Rest 2 minutes

155 easy. Back is very tight so taking it a little easy
185 better 
205 rounding back too much on catch. Going down in lbs. 

Thought about doing another because first set was so light but decided to let it be. 

B. Front Squat temp 3 seconds down 3 second pause 3 seconds up 6-8 Reps-x5 Rest 2 minutes

155 x6 for all. Was hard,sore back. 155 was right weight. 

C. 8-10 Seated Good mornings x5 Rest 2 minutes

30 Clean and Jerks for Time @ 165

4:04 pretty lame! First 20 were in 2mn then another 2mn do to the final 10. 

Left shoulder a little week on the lockout. Other then that, just get enough by oxogen. 

Isn't this what is called anaerobic threshold? The 20 in 2mn was what I could do anarobically but then I had to start functioning arobically?


Day 5
5 Sets
AD 1:30 seconds @ 85%
10 Chest to Bar Pull ups
10 Burpees
Rest 2 minutes Btwn Sets


Need to slow down AD. Doing about 30-35. But I won't be able to sustain that

5 sets
AD 1:30 Seconds @ 85%
10 Toes to Bar 
10 Burpees

2:11 sped the burpees back up. 

22 cals on AD is better

5 Sets 
AD 1:30 Seconds 2 85%
10 Box Jumps 30 Inches
10 Burpees

2:36 box jumps slow. Make burpees hard 

Everything unbroken all the way through. 

Saturday, September 20, 2014


Day 4
A. Deadlift 10. 8. 6. 4. 2. - Rest 3 minutes

315 x10 grip kinda hard. Easy other then that. 
345 x6. Fuck! Should have been 8. I can't pull for shit. 
345 x6 easier but I rested long because I started talking
365 x4
395 x1. Felt my back rounding a lot so only did the 1. Kinda frustrated

Really need to get better at pulling.

B. 10-12 tempo Good mornings 5 Seconds Down 3 second Pause 3 Seconds up -x5 rest 2 minutes

65 this is really hard on the middle back. Only did 7 reps 
45 x10ouch
45 x10 it's so hard
45 x10 ouch
45 x10 ouch

C. 18-20 Glute Ham Bridges- x5 Rest 2 minutes

95 x20
115 x20
115 x20
135 x20
135 x20

1000M Row
Rest 5 minutes


Can't believe how tired my hamstrings are. I expected to be faster. I went out way to hard on the first one and then totally died off vs on the second I was a pretty consistent 1:45 pace. First on I was like 1:37-1:53

Felt much better after the second one


Day 3

B. Back Squat 10. 2.10. 2. 10. 2.- Rest 3 minutes Btwn sets

285 x10
325 x2
295 x10 last few were hard and came forward a little
335 x2 pretty solid
305 x 9.5. Just couldn't complete it
335 x1. Very tired now. 

I got a call just as I was finishing this up and had to go. Will have to do the squat snatch metcon another day

30 Squat Snatch @ 135
20 Squat Snatch @ 165
5 Squat Snatch @ 185


Day 3
A. Squat Snatch 3.3.3- x5 Rest 2 minutes

155 squat kinda hard
155 hard 
155 hard
155 hard
155 hard. Missed last rep

My hips are very slow and tight. I'm struggling to catch it solid and squat up. 

Didn't do the rest of day 3. Tomorrow. Need a rest day. Shoulders and hips are tires

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Day 2
A. Split Jerk Clusters x5 Rest 20 seconds Rest 2 minutes

235 dropped 5th. I blame Kelly wild

B. 10-12 Bent over rows -x5 rest 2 minutes

95 x12
115 x12
135 x10
135 x10
135 x10

C. Bench to a Max


Tried 255 but Kelly wild grabber it early. Not sure if I would have gotten it. 

15 chest to Bar Pull ups
15 Shoulder to OH @ 135
Row 350M AFAP
rest 4 minutes


Not sure on second round- Jim jumped in and screwed up my row. No big deal- just didn't get an accurate time or row. Shoulders getting tired. 

3:00. Shoulders so tired. 3 sets of 5 and hard on the s2oh. 

3:30 should to overhead almost impossible. Down to 3's and 2's at the end. Not even sure if I locked my last rep out. Very hard

3:40 shoulders ouch

Row got slow on these too

Monday, September 15, 2014


Day 1
A. Hang Squat Clean Clusters 3.3.3-x5 Rest 2 minutes

145, 145, 145, 155, 155

Pretty solid. Probably should have gone 155 for at least another round. 

B. Front Squat temp 3 seconds down 3 second pause 3 seconds up 6-8 Reps-x5 Rest 2 minutes

185 x6
175 x6
175 x6
175 x6

Dropped weight to maintain better form and straight back. These were hard. You told me I was too fast. I'll use a timer next time. 

C. 10-12 Seated Good mornings x5 Rest 2 minutes

95 x12
105 x12
105 x12
105 x12
105 x12

3 Rounds For Time
25 KB Swings 2 Pood
25 burpees


Went unbroken on kb's for the first two rounds. Then 15, 5, 5. Grip was why I broke but I wonder if I could have powered through. Burpees were unbroken

Friday, September 12, 2014


Day 1
A. Hang Squat Clean Clusters 3.3.3-x5 Rest 2 minutes

145 for all. This was hard. Did I read this right?

3 reps, drop chase down and do another 3 reps, repeat then rest 2mn for 5 sets. Was it supposed to be rest :20, rest 2mn?

B. Front Squat temp 3 seconds down 3 second pause 3 seconds up 6-8 Reps-x5 Rest 2 minutes

185 x 6
185 x 6
185 x 6
185 x 6

This was super hard too. Something is wrong with me today. I feel like I may puke. I'm calling it quits. 

I'll have to do metcon on a different day. Maybe day 4??

C. 10-12 Seated Good mornings x5 Rest 2 minutes
3 Rounds For Time
25 KB Swings 2 Pood
25 burpees


Was supposed to AD at Z1 but I took a quick walk instead. Back to training tomorrow. Deload is boring. 


AD 30 Seconds @ 85%
AD 30 Seoncds @ 50%


Monday, September 8, 2014


A. Power Snatch to a Max

185 pr

B. 30 Burpees for Time

54 sec

Row 30 Seconds @ 100%
Rest 3 minutes 

173, 170, 174

Kinda tired today


Day 5
A. Front Squat to a Heavy Single

295 pr but I think I can so more. Felt kinda week

B. EMOM 10 Min 2 Muscle ups


Row 350M
75 Double Unders
Row 350M

I can't remember how long this took, it was either 3:30 or 4:30.  It was all pretty quick, did 45 and 30 for
Dbl unders. 

Saturday, September 6, 2014


Day 4
For Time
A. Push Press 3, 2, 1 - Rest 2 minutes

205, 225, failed at 235. This all felt really heavy. 

B. 15 Burpees for Time x5 Res 2 minutes

Didn't do this

Row 20 Min Z1

Yup- did AD instead. 

Didn't get enough sleep last nigh and probably needed a rest day more then I thought. Workouts haven't been hard this week but if you count hiking and biking in Jackson hole, it's been about 8 or 9 days since I had a real rest day. 

Friday, September 5, 2014


Day 2
For Time
15 Squat Cleans @205
15 Muscle Ups


Did singles on the cleans but fast. Took about 1:30

Muscle ups were kinda hard. 


Should have at least tied the last 3 together. 

Thursday, September 4, 2014


Day 3

Snatched to a max first. This wasn't part of your programming but seemed like fun. Warmed up and then 135, 155, 185, 195, 205. All on first try. 

Missed 215 3 times in the catch. It was high enough. 

AD 30 Sconds @ 85%
AD 30 Seconds @ 50%

Did this but forgot to check the meter after. Rowed at about 1:43 and 2:30 pace. 

For Time
Run 400M
20 Toes to Bar
50 UB double Unders

2:50 unbroken. All was fast but transition were slow going in and out of gym and stuff

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Day 1
A. GG Snatch Ladder

185, so easy but missed 205 4 times. It's over my head. I'm just not catching it. Lost it behind 2 times and in front 2 times. 

B. Drop to 80% of What every you Make and Perform 10 singles-Rest 90 btwn each

Did at 155. Should be more like 145 but it's easy. 

Row 30 seconds @ 100%
Rest 3 minutes

173, 173, 172, 170, 170


Worked out at Crossfit in Jackson hole in morning:

OHS 1rp max: 255. Failed at 265 but almost had it

4 rounds:
18 slam balls
12 t2b
8 c+j @ 135

8:38 beat everyone by at least 2mn

Went on 12 mile mountain bike ride in afternoon

Went on another ride on Saturday and 10 mile hike on Monday. 


Day 14
A. Hang Squat Clean Clusters x5-Rest 20 Seconds Rest 2 minutes

155, 155, 155

Did 3 sets and then class needed my bar. Doesn't matter, my back is very tired. 

B. Front Squat 5x5 @ 80% 5 Rep Max - Rest 2 minutes

Skipping this- not enough room on rack and back is too tired. Will row and be done

Row 500M @ 85%

1:43, 1:45, 1:44, 

Quit for today. Just to tired. 

Did only 5 hrs sleep and one meal today. Oh well. It's ok. Need a rest day

Skipped day 15