Friday, February 27, 2015


A. 15 min Snatch Pulls work with 55-65lbs perform then in sets of 5 video them and take a look at the videos after you are done. 
B. Pause Snatch Power Snatch (3 second pause @ top of knee) Build to a HS not a Max


AD 30 seconds @ 85%
AD 30 Seconds @ 50%


Wednesday, February 25, 2015


 Did strength in am and metcon in pm. Both kinda sucked because I didn't warn up at all. 

A. 1 Press + 3 Push Press x3 Complexes rest 2 minutes btwn complexes

165 press is hard. Shoulder kinda hurts

Not sure the last time I strict pressed. Been a while

B. Bent Over Rows 10-12 reps x3 Rest 2 minutes btwn sets

135 x12
135 x12
135 x12

Could do more but I try to focus on form and pulling shoulder blades together. Gets a little mean on the grip. 

4 sets
AD 20 Cals
20 Toes to Bar
Row 20 Cals
Rest 4 min btwn setss

Clock got restarted on first round so I dunno time. Totally burnt out on t2b 10,6,4 but they were hard.  I didn't warm up at all, like not at all. 

My quads are cramping. Haven't drank enough wanted today. 

My pull and hips are really tired. 


Monday, February 23, 2015


A. 8 split jerks @ 60-80% Rest 90 seconds btwn attempts

225 for all

Felt ok. My shoulders are a little slow, maybe from doing crossover this morning. I did it in between morning classes. Shit is hard. 

5 sets
10 S2O 135lbs
10 Burpee Box Jump overs 24"
50 Double Unders
Rest 3 minutes btwn sets

1:22 May have done 12 burpees. Not sure. Lost count

All unbroken. Maybe could do dbl unders a little faster. My last round of dbl unders was fastest. Didn't push hard enough on second round of burpees.

Sunday, February 22, 2015


Day 5
A. Work to A Max in the complex Hi hang Clean + Hang Clean+ Squat Clean

235 pretty solid 

Round my back a lot on the catch and squat up as I get tired. 

Got a high hang at 245 but then missed my catch on the hang. Not sure if I didn't pull high enough or didn't drop enough. Pretty happy with that through. 

B. Zombie Squat 10-8-6-4-2 Rest 2 minutes btwn sets

205, right arm and left arm are very different. I can't keep right up, that is my probables shoulder 

Didn't do the rest of my Programing because my hamstring/hip is not happy. Don't want to push it right now. 

Did AD and mobility yesterday too. 

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Day 6
A. Work to a Max in the complex Snatch Pull to the top of te knee 3 second pause + Squat Snatch

175 shoulders are really bad today. Not sure what I'm supposed to be doing. Tony and I couldn't figure it out. Pull to top of knee, pause 3sec, then basically a hang squat snatch?  Videos were a little better. Pulled knees back ok. Still need to keep chest over bar a little longer. 

My body is pretty tight and tired. Haven't had a true rest day since last Thursday. Shoulders are really bothering me, waking me up at night. 

B. Back Sqaut 6x3 @ 80% Rest 2 minutes Btwn sets



Got 16 mups. That's a bit better then my last which I think was 7 or 9 mups. I should have done more. I paced too much.  I also struggled because my grip was tired from the last few days. Pull was a little tired on the cleans but overall I felt really good and should have gone faster. 

Took 3mn on row. 

Sets of 6 on t2b through 36 and the. Smaller sets and singles at the end. 

Wall balls- 20,10,10

Cleans: 5,5,5,5,3,2,1,1,1,1,1

Mups: 3,3,3,1,2,1,2,1

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Day 7
A1. 20 Second L Sit x6 rest 10 seconds
A2. 30 Flutter kicks AFAP Rest 20 Seconds x6 (Count only 1 foot for Reps)
A3. 15 GD Sit ups AFAP x6 Rest 3 minutes


AD 15 Seconds AFAP
Rest 2:30 Seconds

Forgot to turn AD on. Probably about 34cals

I was totally recovered for the first two, then heart rate a little high going into third. Pretty tired and high heart rate into fourth. 

Row 30 Seconds AFAP
Rest 3 minutes


I was pretty well recovered each time but my hamstrings were slowing me down and getting pretty tired. 

Monday, February 16, 2015


Day 4
For time
Squat Snatches @ 175lbs
50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders


Didn't miss any snatches and felt good. I was kinda slow in the bottom to stabilize and stand up toward the end. I would catch and sit in the bottom for a few seconds before standing up. I was starting to get tired and a little lose so I wanted to make sure I wasn't dropping it. 

Screwed up my first set of dbl unders a few times but unbroken. Besides that. 

Rest 10 Minutes
For time
Muscle ups
Squat Snatches @ 135lbs


Felt good about this. 
Mups; 9; 4,3; 3,2 this was right for me 
My snatches were ok, I did one power snatch on the last set by accident which probably affected my score a bit. All singles. 

Rest 10 Minutes
For time
AD 200 Cals
Every 2:30 seconds 15 Chest to Bar Pull ups


Grip, tired. Hard. Fuck that. AD was kinda slow because I was tired. Pull-ups started off strong but after I few sets my grip was shot and I finished with singles which only left me with about 1:30 to AD. Snatches and mups in prior workouts mad my grip very unhappy. 

Sprinted last 1mn to make sure I didn't have to do more c2b. 

Oh- and I ate the last donut from Saturday. Bam Bitches!  

Saturday, February 14, 2015


Comp class. 

Snatch ladder with 3 people. 

135,155,185, 205, failed at 215

Snatch was off today but I wasn't messing with it. I failed at 215 twice and said screw it. 


167 reps I think. 

17 reps at 165. 

Didn't feel good today. Felt shitty all morning. Just kinda out of it. My hips were really tired from yesterday and I felt them on the burpees. 

Did 10,8,7,5 at 75lbs

All singles at 135.  5 fast singles and then rest until 20 and then slowed down. 

All singles at 165. 

I could have done more but I really wasn't feeling it. 

Friday, February 13, 2015


UDay 3
A. Back Squat 6x2 @ 80% 1rm

295 little more then 80%


Good. A little forward on the way up on second left. 

B1. 20 Second L Sit x5 rest 10 seconds
B2. 30 Flutter kicks AFAP Rest 20 Seconds x5 (Count only 1 foot for Reps)
B3. 15 GD Sit ups AFAP x5 Rest 3 minutes


Fourth/fifth round got really hard. Can't keep legs straight anymore on L sits. Ghd got slower. Flutter kicks are super easy. Abs are tired. 

Row 20 seconds AFAP
Row 40 seconds Slow Pace

That was miserable. Total around 5000m. Rowed between 1:28-1:32 when going fast. About 2:30 when slow. My forearms and biceps got tired in the beginning. Hamstring got really bad around 7ish and then kept getting worse. Almost thought I was going to have to stop and stretch them around 16 but didn't. Middle back started getting tired around 12.  I don't like that. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Day 2
A. Squat Snatch to a 1 rep Max

Only got to 195 and I missed that a few times before getting it. It was bad. Not sure why I was struggling so much. 

B. Drop down to 90% take 3 singles

175. I was still catching it forward. Not pulling knees back enough and raising chest too fast. 

C. Snatch Pulls to the top of the knee 5x5

Did at 135. They were ok

15 Min AMRAP
15 Power Snatches 75lbs
15 box Jumps 20 Inches
15 toes to Bar

6 + 15

Felt pretty good. T2b were rough but the rest was ok. The transitions were a little slow. Could probably get through the rest of the round if I pushed a little more and kept rest shorter. 

Then I did Megan/Kelly's workout. Well, I did a variation of it.

5 rounds 
8 strict hspu
50 dbl unders

Mups for remainder of time. 

21 mups

Did all hspu unbroken. Screwed up a few sets of dbl unders but most sets were unbroken. Took me 6:04. Then I put on gymnastics grips and really took my time getting ready for mups. Got 21 all in sets of 3 except the last 3. I could have done more, I was really taking a long time between rest. 

Forgot to take a picture. 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Day 1
A. Squat Clean 1 rep Max

Failed 255 a few time. I'm to far forward. I'm getting under it and catching but dropping right away. Getting angry. I'm slow and weak. My hips are rising to fast too. 

B. Back Down to 90% take 3 singles rest as needed

225. Did 5 times felt a little better. Think I'm pulling with my arms early too. 

C. Zombie Squat Rest 20 seconds btwn reps x5 Rest 2 minutes btwn sets


Should have been at 225 whole time. Got a little hard at the end but pretty good. 

30 Squat Cleans for Time @ 205lbs

8:04 went way to fast in the beginning. Did about 7 in the first mn. Then got tired. All singles. I was to far forward but ok. My hips struggles on the squats. 


A. Split jerk 1 rep every 30 seconds at 60-80% 

205 x10
215 x5
225 x5

These felt really solid. Probably should have started higher. 

B1 15 KB swings 2 pood AFAP x5 
Rest 10 seconds 
B2 15 GHD sit ups AFAP x5 
Rest 10 seconds 
B3 20 toes to bar AFAP x5 
Rest 4 minutes 

1, 1, 1, 1, 1

All fast and unbroken until the t2b which are really hard. Hips are bad. First set of t2b was 10,5,5. After that it was 5,5 and then whatever i could do. Lots of singles at the end. 

Kelly's workout:
10 snatch 135
30cal AD
30 C2B
20 stoh
30 bar facing burpees
20 strict hspu
10 snatch
30 cal AD


Should have gone faster on AD and on pullups. Pullups- 10, 10, 6,4. Hspu- 5,5,4,2,3,1. My shoulders were super tired when I got back to the second round of snatch. I kinda slowed down when I knew I was going to beat her. Should have gone harder. 

2k row.

 8:04. Started pretty solid but my ass and hamstrings are still worked from the other day so I tuned it way down and took it easy. 

Saturday, February 7, 2015


Need a rest day after the last few. Super sore. Did a bit of mobility. Then this

AD 20mn for cals
Ever 5mn period faster then the last. 

348 total

108 cals

Paced it pretty well. The extra 8 calories were just from springtime th last mn. Others then that it was,70,80,90,100 

30mups for time. 


Not sure what my previous times were. Felt ok. I don't really know how to do this workout. I break it up differently every time and it never seems right. 

Did 5,5,5 with 15 seconds rest. Then 3,2,1,1,1,1,1,,1.....  Johanna told me that my right arm Clair's out when I get tired. Not sure what that's about. 


Day 14
A. 12 EMOM 3 Hang Squat Snatches (Below the knee) @ 60%

These were ok

B. Snatch Balance 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Rest 2 minutes

Wtf. I did my first set at 195 and failed on my 5th. Then I kept failing, even failed at #3 of 165. I think my shoulders are really tight. 

C. Back Squat to Heavy set of 5

Did 295 and then tried 305 and failed. That's pretty bad. Having a rough day. 

10 Min Ad for Max cals


Paced to much. Not to bad. 

Just not focused today. Busy/stressful day at work and body is tight. Just not my day. Whatever. 


Day 16

For time
100 Wall Ball tosses
100 Sit ups
80 OHS 95lbs
80 Burpees
60 box jumps 30 inches
60 Deadlifts 225lbs
40 Chest to Bar Pull ups
40 Squat cleans @ 135lbs

Couldn't pull. I'm to sore from yesterday in the low back. Maybe I shouldn't have tried to do it, I knew going into it that I was really sore and may not be able to do deadlifts. 

I did the wall balls in 20's with 15 seconds rest. I felt my low back on these but it was fine. 

Did the sit-ups, 30,20,20,20,10 with 10 seconds rest. These were fine

Did the OHS as 15,15,15,10,10,12,3. This is when I started feeling my back but the rest of my body was ok. Hips a little tight but ok

I did 15 burpees and really felt my back. I actually sat down on the box and planned on quiting then because I knew my back was going to seize up and I would be able to finish. I sat for about 2mn and said fuck it, I'll go until I can't anymore. I did the rest of the burpees in sets of 10 or 15. My back was really tired bending over and standing up. 

I did all the box jumps as 20's and they were ok. Started getting tired cardiovascularly but was ok. 

Then I did 5 really hard deadlifts, then 3, then 2, 1. I was to tight to pick the be up or bend over. I lowered the weight to 135 but at that point I was just too tight to bend over. So I only go about 3 more at 135. 

Then I did 40c2b in sets of 10. 

It took me about 32mn but that includes stopping  once and  switching weights and stuff time is kinda irrelevant.



Nosara workout 2

Surfed for an hr in the morning. Actually pretty hard. Super windy so had to paddle the entire time. My shoulders are tight. 

A little bit of handstand walking on the beach. Really just to show off. 

Surfed for another hour at 2pm. This was super chill and easy. Waves calmed down. 

Sandbag drag for 1:30
Rest 3mn

Did this in a running clock with Travis and Jo. Shit was hard. 10 May have been too much and it was getting dark. I don't know how much that thing weighs but it is seriously heavy. 

Friday, February 6, 2015


Day 16

For time
100 Wall Ball tosses
100 Sit ups
80 OHS 95lbs
80 Burpees
60 box jumps 30 inches
60 Deadlifts 225lbs
40 Chest to Bar Pull ups
40 Squat cleans @ 135lbs

Couldn't pull. I'm to sore from yesterday in the low back. Maybe I shouldn't have tried to do it, I knew going into it that I was really sore and may not be able to do deadlifts. 

I did the wall balls in 20's with 15 seconds rest. I felt my low back on these but it was fine. 

Did the sit-ups, 30,20,20,20,10 with 10 seconds rest. These were fine

Did the OHS as 15,15,15,10,10,12,3. This is when I started feeling my back but the rest of my body was ok. Hips a little tight but ok

I did 15 burpees and really felt my back. I actually sat down on the box and planned on quiting then because I knew my back was going to seize up and I would be able to finish. I sat for about 2mn and said fuck it, I'll go until I can't anymore. I did the rest of the burpees in sets of 10 or 15. My back was really tired bending over and standing up. 

I did all the box jumps as 20's and they were ok. Started getting tired cardiovascularly but was ok. 

Then I did 5 really hard deadlifts, then 3, then 2, 1. I was to tight to pick the be up or bend over. I lowered the weight to 135 but at that point I was just too tight to bend over. So I only go about 3 more at 135. 

Then I did 40c2b in sets of 10. 

It took me about 32mn but that includes stopping  once and  switching weights and stuff time is kinda irrelevant.



Day 15
A. Power clean 8 Singles @ 85% Rest 90 Seconds

225 little heavier then 85%

Man- I just done move my feet. Wtf. Still popping with hips to much. 

B. EMOM 10 Min 5 Deadlifts @ 315

Yup, these got hard around mn 8

C. Good Mornings 10-12 Reps x4 Rest 2 minutes

95 x12
95 x12
95 x12
95 x12

Row 500m @ 85%
Rest 2 minutes

1:45 getting very hard. Hamstrings and hips
1:45 my ass hurts. Hamstrings
1:47 ouch
1:47 ouch
1:44 ouch x3 

Monday, February 2, 2015


Day 13
A. Front squat to a Heavy single


Failed at 315. A little surprised I got to 305. Felt pretty heavy at 275,285,295. Hips a bit tight per usual

B. Zombie squats 5x5 rest 2mn



Hard to breath. Got better as I positioned the bar better on my shoulders vs my throat

C. Split Jerk to a Heavy Signle

Really bad jerk today. I think my shoulders are really tight from surfing. So bad. Form is terrible and slow

D. Drop to 80% and Perform 8 singles Rest 90 Seconds btwn reps


These were so bad. 

7 Shoulder to OH 155lbs
10 toes to Bar
30 Double Unders
Rest 15 minutes and repeat

4 + 22
4 + 17

Did all stoh unbroken. These felt good and fast. I got tired after first 2 sets of t2b in both rounds. My abs and pull were really tired on t2b. Most dbl unders were unbroken. Screwed up a few. I was on the same pace for both sets. I think I was actually set to go faster on my second set but on the 2nd set of dbl unders I screwed up a lot