Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Day 13
A. Deadlift 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1-rest 2 Minutes

385 x3
405 x1
405 x1

375 x1
365 x1
365 x1

Not sure what's up. I guess just tired from day 8 yesterday. Very heavy. 

B. Build to a 5 rep Max Hang Squat Clean

205 this was hard 

Tried 215 but dropped my 4th while bringing it down to the hang. 

C. 100 Toes to Bar for Time


Sets of 10 though 40,
Then 5's until 65, then 3's until 80, then quick singles. 

Run 400M For Time
Rest 10 Minutes

Matt stock and Larson showed up and I started talking to them. Totally lost track of time and ran out of time to do sprints. 

Today was hard. Back pretty tight. May need a rest day. 

Monday, August 25, 2014


Day 8
A. Deadlift 10, 10, 5, 5 Rest 2 Minutes

275, 295, 345, 365- grip kinda hard. 

Rib hurt a little but I think it's ok. Should have gone heavier. 

B. Build to a Max 3 Power Cleans 3 Hang Power cleans

195 but last rep was a squat clean....struggled a little with these

10 Sets For Time
3 Deadlifts @ 275
10 Box Jump 24"
Rest 1 min btwn sets

:21, :20, :20, :20, :19, :18, :20, :20, :19, :20

These were easy. 

Thursday, August 21, 2014


Day 10
A. Bench Press 10-8-6-4-2-Rest 2 Minutes

175 x10
195 x8
205 x6
215 x3. Couldn't get 4
225 x 1.5

B1. 3 Push Press + 2 Push Jerks-x5 rest 1 minute

165, 175, 175, 175 175

B2. 7 Muscle ups For time-x5 Rest 2 Minutes

:20ub, 23ub, 22ub, :24ub almost lost it, :50 (3,1,1)

C. 400M Farmers Carry 2 pood KB each hand x2 Rest as needed


4:11 @53lbs stopped to tie shoe and tripped on this lap. 

My grip is pretty worked from the last few days. 


Day 11
A. Power Snatch Clusters x5 Rest 20 Seconds Rest 2 Minutes

145- these were sloppy because my rib hurts during first pull. I'm going down in weight. 

135- hang power snatch

135- hang power

135- hang power. Grip becoming hard. 

135- hang power

B. OHS 10, 2, 10, 2, 10, 2 Rest 2 Minutes

165, 225, 175, 235, 175, 235

Bam. That was good. 

C. 3 Snatch Pulls x5  Floor to Hip 3 Second Pause at top of Knee, then explode to hip

Can't do this with hurt rib

For Time
Chest to Bar Pull ups
EMOM 20 Double Unders


Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Day 12
A. Back Squat 5x5@ 80% of 5 Rep Max - Rest 2 Minutes


Pretty easy

B. Seated Good Monrings 12-14 Reps


5 Sets
3 Hang Squat Cleans 185
15 Bar Facing Burpees
Row 250M
Rest 3 Minutes


no way this was slower by that much. It must have been that the rower wasn't ready or I counted wrong the first time because it was fast. 


Screwed up a power clean and squated cleaned it. This hurt my rib/back


Monday, August 18, 2014


Day 7 
A. Back Squat 5x5@ 75% 5 rep Max

315 x5

355 x1 20lb pr

Felt good so I wanted to try to pr. 

B. Seated Good Monrings 10-12 Reps x5

135, 135, 95, 95, 

Went down in weight and did better with form. Was more effective. 

30 Squat cleans For time @ 205

Only did 9. My lat was giving me issues on the pull and the squat on way up. It's been bothering me a little lately but this was the worst it's been. I hope it's not injured. I've been feeling to good to hurt myself right now so I didn't want to push it to much. 

Saturday, August 16, 2014


Day 6
A. Power Snatch Clusters x5 Rest 20 Seconds Rest 2 Minutes

155 slow, 155 better, 155, 160, 160

Felt pretty good about these. Working on consistency. Some easy and some not. Speed and form. 

B. OHS 10, 10, 5, 5, Rest 2 Minutes

165, 165, 195, 205

Happy with 205x5 wasn't to hard. Could maybe do more

C. Snatche Pulls 3x3 Floor to Hip 3 Second Pause at top of Knee, then explode to hip

135,  155, 155

I thought these would need to be heavy but I can't hold on unless I do singles. I started at 185 but that wasn't going to happen.  I can pull up but can't follow 185 down without dropping.  May need you to go over these with me. I understand the concept seems much harder then it should be. Would be much easier to hold on with "explode to hip". Grip is done. 

4 Sets
3 Power Snatches 165
12 Burpees Over the Bar
15 Chest to Bar Pull ups
Rest 3 Minutes

2:53 missed a snatch. 
Snatches really hard. Took over 1mn on snatches. Burpees and c2b easy

Snatches were better. All singles but took about :45. 

Snatches took :30- singles
First round that I couldn't do sets of 5 on c2b. Did 5, 5, 2, 1,1,1

Snatches took :23- singles
Did c2b in sets of 5

Did this starting at 8am Saturday. Felt surprisingly good. Good session


Day 5
A. Bench Press 3,2,1,3,2,1-Rest 2 Minutes

225x3, 235x2, 245x1 (fail)
225 (x2), 225x2, 

Screwed up my weights on this. Was harder then I thought it would be. 

B1. Push Jerk 5x5 - rest 10 Seconds

185, 195, 195, 195 failed at 4, 195 failed at 4. 

I thought the 1st fail was just poor form and to far forward so I tried again. Shoulders are tired. 

B2. 5 Muscle ups For time- x5 Rest 2 Minutes

:15, :15, :15, :15, :15

C. 400M Farmers Carry 2 pood KB each hand


Thursday, August 14, 2014


Day 4
A. Hang Squat Clean Clusters x5-Rest 20 Seconds Rest 2 minutes

205, 205, 205, 205, 205

Clean was ok. I tend to pull it into my hip by pulling with my arms early when I get tired. 

Missed about 3 thrusters because my left hand wasn't on bar. Only 2 fingers were holding it. Needed to catch it better or slow down and regrip it. 

B. Front Squat to a 5 rep Max

245, just wasn't feeling more today. 245 was really hard.  Tough to stay vertical and not come forward.  Did 265 on Sunday. 

Row 500M @ 85%

1:46, 1:45, 1:45, 1:46, 1:46, 1:45

Just rowed, no biggie. I think my pace was appropriate??

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Day 3
A. Build to a 5 rep Max Defecity Deadlift 2-4"

315, tried 335 but only got 4. Couldn't hold on. 

B. Build to a 5 rep Max hang Power Clean

185, did 5 at 205 but they were hang squat cleans. Bad form. Felt slow and kinda week. Yesterday was hard, so maybe that's what it was. 

5 Sets @ 90-95%
10 TnG Deadlifts @ 255
Sprint 200M
Rest 2 Minutes Btwn Sets

1:05, 1:08, 1:07, 1:08, 1:08

Runs were a little more then 200. More like 225ish.  Run was slow after the dl's. Grip was tough on DL but I got through it ok. 

Rest day tomorrow. 

Monday, August 11, 2014


Day 2 
A. Back Squat 5 Rep Max

Front squat, 265x5. Felt good. Had to do from squat because of back. 

B. Seated Good Mornings 8-10 Repsx5 rest 2 minutes

Did not do because of boil on back

30 Power cleans For Time @ 205


It was ok. 

5 rounds
10 power snatch @ 135
20 Chest to Bar Pull ups
Row 250M @ 100%
Rest 4 Minutes btwn sets

2:55, 3:20, 3:40, 4:00, 4:08

Grip and middle back. Was pretty happy with keeping the c2b at mostly sets of 5. 

The metcon was from day 1 but I ran out of time so did it with day 2. It was a lot but it was good. 


Day 1 
A. Power Snatch Clusters x5 Rest 20 Seconds Rest 20 Minutes

165 (hard and slow), 165, 165, 165 (getting better), 165

I may have been able to go to 170 but my form felt off. Trouble sticking the catch. 

B. OHS 5,4,3,2,1 - rest 2 Minutes

185, 195, 205, 215, 235

Could probably ohs more for 1rep but I can't jerk it up with the massive boil on my back. Hard to jerk from the low bar position. Dropped the 235 once trying to get it overhead. 

C. Snatch Pulls 3x3 Floor to Hip- Rest 2 Minutes

235, 235, 245

Thursday, August 7, 2014


Day 9
Run 400M @ 85%
Rest 2 Minutes

1:23,1:20, 1:21, 1:23, 1:18 (Somone tried to pass me, had to speed up), 1:26, 1:31, 1:25, 1:29, 1:31, 1:28, 1:23

Legs pretty tired and tight from yesterday. Did at 8am without food first. Felt ok for most of them but defiantly slowed down. Did by river trail, meters were marked but not a flat course, a few inclines but nothing significant. 

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Day 10
10 Min AMRAP @ 85%
AD 20 Cals
20 WB tosses
10 Chest to Bar Pull ups


Quads/hips tight and sore on AD. Probably from WB tosses 

Rest 5 Minutes
10 Min AMRAP @ 85%
Row 20 Cals
20 WB Tosses
10 Toes to Bar


Rest 5 Minutes
10 Minute AMRAP @ 85%
Run 200M
20 WB Tosses
10 Burpees


Then: rested 1mn and did 10 muscle-ups, 5,3,2. 

Quads/hips tight and sore on AD. Probably from WB tosses. Dehydrated too. 

Monday, August 4, 2014


Day 8

A.  3 Defecit Deadlift 2-4" Tempo 5031 x5 - Rest 3 Minutes

275, 295, 315, 315, 335

Should have gone heavier for all of them. Around 335, started low because last week was very hard when doing these for 5. Hopefully strength is coming back quickly. 

B. Good Mornings 8-10 Reps x5  -Rest 2 minutes

135 across. 

For Time
30 Clean and Jerks @ 185


Happy with that. I know it's not great but I was really intimidated by this workout and got through it well enough. No misses, all singles. Hips/legs slow but felt good besides that. 

Saturday, August 2, 2014


Day 7
A. Front Squat 5x5

235 for all. 

These felt pretty good. Maybe could have a gone a little heavier. 

B. Push Jerk 5x5

185 across. Easy in beginning but got hard. Need you to watch me do some push jerks. Feel a little off. 

C. 400M Farmers Carry For time 2 Pood Each hand

Someone restarted the clock so I don't know what my time was. Somewhere around 4mn. Pretty tough


Day 6
A. Power Snatch Clusters x5 Rest 20 sconds, Rest 2 Minutes

145, 150, 150, 150, 155

These were ok. I'm feeling a little inconsistent. The set of 155 felt better then some of the lighter onse. 

B. Snatch Pulls 3x3 (Floor to top of Rest 2 minutes

225 for all. 

Grip was pretty worked from first part. Other then that, fine. 

Power Snatches 95lbs
Chest to Bar Pull ups


Grip obviously. Wasn't to bad though, I was able to keep most of the sets of c2b at a minimum of sets of 3 reps. Broke up the snatches into 3rds for the most part with a single or 2 at the end so I could gostraight  into the c2b. 

My hips were feeling tired and slow for the first few sets of snatches. Then they warmed up. 

Friday, August 1, 2014


Day 5
10 Min AMRAP @ 85%
AD 20 Cals
15 Deadlift @ 155
10 Burpees
Rest 5 Minutes

3 + 30

10 Min AMRAP @ 85%
Row 25 Cals
15 Kb Swings 70lbs
10 burpees
Rest 5 Minutes

2+ 40

10 Min AMRAP @ 85%
Run 200M
15 Power Cleans 95lbs
10 Burpees


Not bad, just movement. Pretty sore from running the other day. Probably should have ran faster on the 200m, maybe should have slowed down the clean, did sets of 5 but they were pretty fast. Everything else as pretty solid at 85%