Day 13
A. Deadlift 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1-rest 2 Minutes
385 x3
405 x1
405 x1
375 x1
365 x1
365 x1
Not sure what's up. I guess just tired from day 8 yesterday. Very heavy.
B. Build to a 5 rep Max Hang Squat Clean
205 this was hard
Tried 215 but dropped my 4th while bringing it down to the hang.
C. 100 Toes to Bar for Time
Sets of 10 though 40,
Then 5's until 65, then 3's until 80, then quick singles.
Run 400M For Time
Rest 10 Minutes
Matt stock and Larson showed up and I started talking to them. Totally lost track of time and ran out of time to do sprints.
Today was hard. Back pretty tight. May need a rest day.