Day 10
A. Split Jerk 1 Rep @ 60% Every 30 seconds For 30 reps
More then 60% by about 15lbs but it felt right
B1 AMRAP Strict Pull ups Rest 1 Mi
Bicepts tight and this shit is hard
B2 Strict Press 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, Rest 1 Minute
145, 145,150,155, 170, 175
Not sure what my press pr is but that is more then I thought I would do
7 minute AMRAP
3 Chest to Bar Pull ups
30 UB Double Unders
6 Chest to Bar Pull ups
30 UB Double Unders
9 Chest to Bar Pull ups
30 UB Double Unders
ect until 7 minutes is up
Got through 21, let rep was at the buzzer
Ub on dbl unders except screwed up once
Ub on 3,6,9
Then 6,3,3
Then 5,5,2,2,1
Then 3,3,3,2,1,1.....
Lots up pull-ups today